One Yukkuri Place



Ruukasu said:

>Yukkuri Lives Matter

At first I was going to correct this with PETA, then I recall the many, many stories about these animal rights activists fucking up and killing the animals they were supposedly saving. So let's go with #YukkuriLivesMatter or AntiAbyus.

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  • Ahegao said:

    Anon must be a abyuser graduate or something for being capable of putting this yu to a state as painful as possible without causing death.

    It's mohawk/mohican anon (so-called due to the distinctive hairstyle), so of course he's a connoisseur when it comes to yukkuri abyuse. He's not a specific anon, but the hairstyle is an identifier that he is an expert to separate him from the regular abyuser anon.
    You'll notice it when looking through the older stories, like for example pool #1394. It's usually the anon with the hair that does the most creative to the point of over-the-top methods to maximize the pain and suffering of the targeted yukkuri (usually a shithead). It's a tongue-in-cheek addition to the lore, that if I recall was introduced with the Mad Max/Fist of the North Star parodies, then took a life of its own.

    This is mainly speculation territory on my part, but the reason why mohawk anon became the fanon elite abyuser and not the Touhou established sin sack anon was due to fandom perception, as sin sacks were by nature masochists and would rather be abyused by the Touhou objects of their affection rather than play the abyuser role. Though the idea of juxtaposition of the sin sack abyusing yukkuri, then in turn punished by the Touhou character that said yukkuri were based on as some appeal, it doesn't compare to the image of a no-nonsense, hardcore delinquent badass that is the anon sporting the goofy hair (like the pompadour is to a Jojo).
    tl;dr - anons with goofy hair are cool, sin sacks are losers, yukkuri exist only for abyuse.


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  • boom said:

    Two things:

    1) I thought Mokous were immortal, so shouldn't they be resistant to melting, let alone death?
    2) How the hell did a Reimu X Youmu pair birth a Mokou, anyway?

    1) Immortality =/= invulnerability. Mokou's probably not dead, and might regenerate from the melted remains eventually.
    2) Magic

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  • Ruukasu said:

    If I recall right, the original version was a news interview about some crazy weather in Japan.

    Jam35 said:


    The notable moment is, NHK TV was filming interviews about "How does it feel to walk with no electricity and/or internet?"

    Not quite. Here's the link (Trigger warning: Twitter) to the origin of the meme.

    It was an emergency news broadcast about the uncommon heavy snowfall at the time. The subjects of the interview was a couple in front of Tokyo's Shibuya Station.

    The original subtitled quote was (the guy's reply to the news interviewer),

    "I love soaking up the special feeling you get from being in the snow with your sweetheart."

    (Literal version: "When it snows when you're with your lover, you immerse yourself in a special feeling... I like it.")

    (In bold are the highlighted text in the subtitles.)

    Cute, and funny enough as it is, but it takes more to get elevated to meme status. But wait! There's more:

    Look closely at the key image in that link, and notice that the clearly embarrassed woman is wearing a wedding ring, but not the guy.

    All this implies that they're in the middle of an affair that unintentionally went public, in a big way.

    The internet being the internet, took this and ran with it .

    Bonus pointless hilarious info:

    Translation of the original Twitter post (reaction to the guy's "special feeling" comment): SHUT UP YOU FUCKING FOUR-EYES. (According to KYM, this is itself it's own meme, a quote attributed to Levi of Snk/AoT.)

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  • ThatOneGuy said:

    Are we able to change the aya tag from artist back to character? We should probably do that and make an "artist:aya_(artist)" tag unless no one actually cares.

    3 months later, the fix has arrived!

    (Just got back recently, you know how it is.)

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  • Hitosura said:

    This has been posted already. It's just way back.

    poweryoga said:

    if you can find a link i'll delete out this one.

    1) Different quality
    2) This one is sourced

    So, deletion request denied.

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  • MTMoose said:
    So something new I found in YD tonight.

    I took each one of these two kos into the bathroom, and dropped them in the tub. They cried, puffed and apologized, thinking it was punishment. I held them, one at a time, and moved around underwater.

    They continued to cry and puff as their point meter drained and my character said something about water to them. Suddenly, nearly dead, their hats popped underneath their feet and they were smiling and flap-flapping.

    Apparently, I'd just taught two of my kos how to swim! Now they love the water and hop around happily like they were born there.

    This is amazing.

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