One Yukkuri Place



This anko is discusses the yukkuri mindset of those who can't take it easy e.g. Reimu can't sing well, Alice can't coordinate well, Patchouli's rule isn't easy, etc.

Of course, then there's Meiling who can't speak, which is important to how yukkuris greet each other.

Story-wise, the Meiling kills a Reimu, causing the Patchouli to die of shock. The remainder Marisa, Chen and Myon try to stab it, but Meiling's Ki training not only prevents the piercing, but she releases a Ki shock that numbs them.

Then she smashes the Marisa into the air, and it explodes into paste.

Two humans are watching, and they comment on Meiling's strength, which surpasses even Remiryas and Flans. However, cleaning up is a problem.

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  • Or they just have their basic Koishi ability of being noticed only by the subconscious. I recall reading one story about a Koishi that an Anon took as a pet after it kept showing up in his house no matter how many times he threw it out.

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  • I just read that one, Salem.

    His pet Reimu was revealed to be scum. It expected him to apologize for killing the Marisa when it refused to apologize for refreshing with a stray, it ignored Marisa once it had children and let it die, it killed its Marisa children, then its only Reimu child after the Koreimu revealed its murder of the sisters under bribery. It ended up totally burnt and forced to watch videos of happy yukkuri families.

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  • Long, but interesting to read.

    Anon is playing the role of the clan leader's Marisa's slave. The clan occupies a field filled with cabbages, more than enough for all of them. Surrounding it is a fence, which, thanks to Anon's friend playing the role of a abuser capable of taking out a Remirya, the yukkuris don't cross.

    Once in a while, Anon will abduct a yukkuri and abuse it across the fence to deal with the stress of playing the slave. As winter approaches, he suggest to the Marisa that they have more than enough food, so it's okay for them to refresh. As the news spreads, one Reimu Anon abducts abandons its child since it can just make more, but gets killed anyway. The Reimu is used as a reminder not to cross the fence, with Marisa boasting it'll protect the clan because it's the strongest, as long as they don't cross the fence.

    One month later, the food has run out. Marisa scolds Anon, who suggests that they move. Of course, Marisa agrees, and Anon works with other humans to pack the clan yukkuris into boxes... to be take to the factory. The cabbages were simply extra that couldn't be sold on the market, and while yukkuris aren't worth as much, there's still some profit to be made.

    At the factory, the gig is revealed. Marisa's mate Reimu gets thrown to a raper, along with the other adults. Anon brings Marisa around to see what becomes of the clan, and he uses it to destroy Marisa's reputation when Marisa reveals a fear of rapers. He also shows Marisa its children's death by paste drainage, stressing its uselessness.

    In the end, Anon returns to where Reimu is, and offers it a choice: either Reimu or Marisa will go to the raper. Marisa picks Reimu, but Anon didn't say anything about what HE will do. Anon's friend meets him outside later, and comments that Anon is looking really refreshed.

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  • Simple story:
    Anon is eating a meal with his pet Remirya and Meiling. They make a lot of noise as they're eating, due to the meal being delicious. Anon thinks that next time, he'll come alone.

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  • Simple summary:
    Dosu brings clan of 150 to demand food for winter. Anon insults Dosu for being stupid, and shoots it with two bullets. One is to plant a Dosu Spark mushroom, the other is to accelerate its growth. Since a mushroom normally absorbs energy from the Dosu, this accelerated growth reduces the Dosu to a normal, flabby Marisa. The clan rejects the Dosu.

    At Anon's signal, men round up the rest of the clan. He offers them freedom if they sing, but tells them that they have to do it all together. His choice of song: A burning chorus. As the fire consumes the clan, he points out the stupidity in Dosu's thinking, and explains to it the reason why they're doing this.

    They're setting an example for other clans in two ways. One is a visual punishment, two is the death smell combined with the memory in the burning paste. Anon then tosses Dosu in to burn with the rest of its clan.

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  • Summary:
    Anon trades some sweets with a Marisa to hire its services as a guide to city yukkuris. It rejects the sweeter choices as they would spoil the tastebuds, and tells its Meiling mate to store what they received.

    Marisa leads Anon to the back of a building, where a Reimu and two Komarisa are, first identified by their voices talking about how cute they are. Anon is shocked to see how filthy the whole family is, and Marisa explains that the Reimu was originally a pet yukkuri, and the reason why the children are dirty is because it didn't want to lick them clean, like normal parent yukkuris do.

    The family starts practicing singing, which is totally awful, and proclaim about the prettiness of their hearts. They later move to a street, where they try to attract an owner with their awful signing. Anon is surprised to hear that the Reimu is able to count to four when preparing the beat.

    However, their attempts irritate a youth, and they don't realize it. As Anon watches, Reimu stupidly moves just like the youth tells her to, recognizing his action of looking at his shoes as checking whether the pair he's wearing is okay to kick yukkuris with. Reimu gets kicked first, and one of the Komarisas takes out a branch to threaten him as the other wails. The former Komarisa gets kicked as well, but still survives (picture), screaming about its feet that is some distance away. It gradually weakens and dies.

    Marisa calls to Anon, who realizes that the youth is still hitting Reimu. The other Komarisa has excreted on itself, screaming for help. It notices Anon and Marisa, and rudely orders them to help, citing it's cute. Marisa brushes it off, and the Komarisa gets angry. But then it realizes that its mother is dying, the youth having dealt critical damage.

    Despite the damage, Reimu doesn't realize its mistake, even as Marisa and Anon point it out. Marisa then notices that the Komarisa has mold growing on it, which sends the Reimu into a panic. If Reimu had licked her children clean, this would not have happened, and Komarisa realizes it might die. Even as Komarisa asks its mother to lick it, the mother screams at it not to approach, and wails its desire to continue living.

    Anon sighs and points out that it's already dead, and explains to it why it ended up like that, concluding by saying that all the blame lies with Reimu. Reimu then dies without being able to say a word.

    Anon then points out that the mold on Komarisa has spread a lot, saying its probably because Komarisa was uneasy. Komarisa begs Anon to get it off, or Marisa to lick it, but both reject the koyukkuri. In the end, Anon cuts off the part of its feet with the mold, and puts some bean paste bun nearby, telling it to eat, or else the mold would spread further. Komarisa crawls desperately, saying its dream to mate with a pet Reimu, and make lots of little ones. It eventually dies muttering about the pain it's going through, as its excrement reveals the extent of the mold.

    Anon thanks Marisa for helping in his observation, but Marisa points out that what happened was probably 'abuse' instead of 'observation'. Chuckling, Anon turns off his video recorder.

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  • Summary:
    A bunch of kids are catching koyukkuris like they do bugs in summer, with a bit of explanation about the yukkuris' impression of a home. After catching the fifth one, a Marisa, just outside its home, they kill the mother and wonder what to do with the koyukkuris. In the meantime, one of the captured Reimus gets mad at the last Marisa for running off and abandoning her.

    After trying to decide what to do (they don't want to raise, crush or eat them), the boys simply throw the koyukkuris into a public toilet, letting them scream about the darkness and stench.

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  • Marisa gets an Ita-Suii from her owner, and takes it onto the road despite her owner's warning and the other yukkuris warning her not to.

    Her Suii becomes the victim of some Crush Gears, and her hat gets destroyed. The boys are lectured, while Marisa stares in shock.

    Marisa makes it home somehow, but she loses her -ze speech pattern and becomes much better behaved.
    THE END.

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  • You know, I wonder about the physics of this. Reimu will NEVER make it through, not just because of the door's size.

    Only a small portion of its foot is in contact with the the bottom of the frame, it won't be able to move much...

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  • Anon is a manager of a yukkuri clan on a mountain, he occasionally sedates them to give them drugs to keep their numbers in line, but this time, he intends to abuse them.

    He starts by crippling the clan while they're sedated, then begins once they're awake.
    Reimu-Marisa: Rips out their three children, and shows the babies to the parents before crushing them.
    Marisa-Alice: After extracting the premature yukkuri from Marisa, Alice goes crazy and rips them to pieces saying they're not city-sect, and Marisa goes insane as well.
    Single Mother Reimu: He injects it with Remirya cream, and the Remirya grows, devours the other children and the mother.

    Anon goes down the list, eating some, forcing some baby Alices to refresh. The final Reimu-Marisa pair, he forces the Marisa to damage its mate so as to save their unborn children. He then tells them they can have children now and leaves.

    Since then, the clan is suffering. Mothers lost their children, or lost their ability to have any. Child stealing occurs. And as for the last yukkuri couple, the Reimu that sacrificed so much for its children faces rejection and hatred from them, and eventually crushes its children without realizing it.

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