One Yukkuri Place



poweryoga said:
If you want to redo these just re-upload them and tag these with deletion_request.

Easy is taking it too easy to edit edit these again, even though Easy knows they are very ugly. But if someone else did a better edit edit of these Easy will be happy to tag these with deletion_request easy!

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  • aozf05 said:
    Um, I think it would have been a lot easier to do it normally because the way the text wraps to the bubbles looks like more work was put into it than just making a text box formatted with center alignment.

    Thank you Mister aozf05! Easy will do that next time easy!

    Also, for anyone reading this comment, if you must break up a word to the next line, be it for translation work or real world writing, the convention is to break it between syllables, not random letters.

    But that seems uneasy...

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