One Yukkuri Place



What with this child looking here with a "How is it" face?


Is that what it is called? I didn't have a name for this pose so I've been calling it "proud":

A yukkuri poses with a slightly upward gaze and eyes sparkling as if viewing a glorious future, its cheeks swelled and an expression of determination on its face. The mouth is in a closed-lipped smile, while the eyebrows are angled downwards like a frown. Often accompanied by a *shine* or キリ sound effect.

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  • EasyV said:

    We've never really seen what happens when yukkuri pick the wrong leaves

    Wasn't there a poison ivy diaper in Pure Happiness or one of kiriraitaa's other comics?

    EDIT: Yeah, it's True Happiness.


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  • Reading the remarks in the last two pages (not counting this one), you can see that the young miss really was a good girl. She was doing her civic duty by clearing litter from the streets. Dirty strays go in the yu-disposal and the same goes for their shit! She was just playing a little while she was doing it.

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  • Canttakeiteasy said:

    I am not really sure but I do not think it is against the rules of OYP.

    It was against the rules at least at one time.

    post #26060 (7 years ago), rule and explanation

    poweryoga said:

    No, there were a few blatant edits to family friendly pictures to make it abuse oriented. It was back around when zattsu was editing his own work and blaming it on the yukkuri abusers and trying to raise a big stink about it.

    It was so bad (and poor quality too) that a few family_friendly artists stopped drawing yukkuris, which is why we came up with the rules of "NO EDITS".

    post #57283 (4 years ago), refers to a rule but doesn't explain

    poweryoga said:

    collages are fine as long as they stick to the original theme... we don't allow edits of family friendly into violence or vice versa.

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  • Canttakeiteasy said:

    Really? You edited out a family friendly picture to suit your bias? Really?

    I thought that was against the rules here because a long time ago some Jap artist quit the scene over this.

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  • EasyV said:

    I think the artist could've made this a mute comic and it would've been exactly the same

    I disagree. In a mute comic one would have thought that the Marisa just wanted be friends with Wakasagi. Also the dialogue in the final panel shows the paternal nature of the relationship between the owner and Wakasagi. Without text I would have assumed she was just expressing happiness or maybe thanking him for the meal. Instead we see him humoring her and pretending to be impressed, and his praise seems to matter more to her than the snack.

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  • TosylChloride said:

    uh, so how am I supposed to understand the last frame? the youtube link above has died for some reasons so I can't get any explanations from it.

    If I remember correctly it was this video: Since that link might also cease to work in the future, the implication is that the final frame is the reality and the previous panels are substituting an imaginative depiction of the abused.

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  • Trololo said:

    Frankly I just don't understand how factories are supposed to be profitable if losing a single rare type puts them out of business.

    The implication I got from the talk of human workers being "purged" is that this isn't just a matter of profit. It is likely that the factory was closed and the workers were executed, and maybe even Herr Inspector had trouble when he had to report a failure of this magnitude to his superiors.

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