One Yukkuri Place



DosuKoyukkuri said:
It spreads quite easily. Light just one yu on fire and the flames will spread to any other yu it touches until they're all ablaze.

Blazeit easy Mr.human!

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  • exitstrategy said:
    Puffing is kind of tiresome considering how ineffective and overdone it is, but this site has already had this discussion.

    Some other self-defense mechanisms that would be fun to see these things evolve and try:
    -Backside spraying like a skunk (instead of the antagonistic pooing that we usually see)
    -Playing dead like an opposum
    -Suicide bombing itself like the infamous Neocapritermes taracua termite
    -Developing a spiked carapace (bonus points for injuring the mother on birth)

    exitstrategy said:
    Puffing is kind of tiresome considering how ineffective and overdone it is, but this site has already had this discussion.

    Some other self-defense mechanisms that would be fun to see these things evolve and try:
    -Backside spraying like a skunk (instead of the antagonistic pooing that we usually see)
    -Playing dead like an opposum
    -Suicide bombing itself like the infamous Neocapritermes taracua termite
    -Developing a spiked carapace (bonus points for injuring the mother on birth)

    Yukkuri Starcraft..

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