One Yukkuri Place



karinbat said:

Miss sharp teeth-oneesan found a takoyaki grill whilst cleaning. Just then some yukkuri decide come to do easy place declaration.

I got a new upload limit of 20, still had to merge some images to upload this comic. Expect more uploads from me soon.

*Edit* Translation is done, took 50 minutes cause it was very basic speech.

You da real MVP

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  • karinbat said:

    Saw this comic and just had to upload it. It's part four but the previous three were drawn over a year ago and contained mostly uneasy kanji. Would have uploaded those first but I have a 10 image upload limit.

    Translation took only an hour this time. Then I gave up trying to translate the kanji. Puff-puff go away uneasy kanji.

    You're an absolute champion

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  • Goldeneye said:

    Sorry for saying this, but... What's a anko?

    Bean paste. More specifically Red bean paste. That's why you see images and stories saying yukkuri have 'anko for brains'.

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  • MTMoose said:

    I checked out takumi's Livedoor blog and it looks like this is actually part of another series. The thing on a wall was some kind of bullet-drill that made its way through an Alice and koalice, then embedded itself in the wall there.

    Well then. I stand corrected. Which series is that from?

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  • salvationhope said:

    Will Marisa Not Nice Play skateboard Outside of alley street make Cause Accident and make People Mad at You Them Fatality Flawless victory Anon Win.

    I feel like this guy needs a job adding tags to youtube videos or something

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  • Go-chan16 said:

    Was debating on if to put it in comments or not actually, rather than typing it into the little panels. Lately weather is making it to where I can't really think clearly, so I put it in notes rather than comments because I wasn't thinking. Not sure which way of doing it is better though, so, opinions?

    I reckon you had enough space within each panel left over to put the text in but as long as there is a translation I don't think anyone would really mind.

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  • BaronMind said:

    This is probably my proxy being crap again, but it spams the error

    around ninety times for every page I load here. No idea what that means, but it doesn't do it anywhere else. Polipo really doesn't like the new OYP for some reason.

    Isn't that just the webpage telling you that nothing has changed on the page you are loading?

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