One Yukkuri Place



You know what, this story makes me think about the aftermatch, like, "what happend after the comic ends?".

I have the impression that this Sanae was pretty important, for a single fact, she probably fucked up many yukkuris to como.

Well, you see, closing a factory is pretty much an serious decision, probably this complex already have problems or was improfitable ('cuz having a Sanae escape and being killer, pretty much justifies only a workforce change), maybe Sanae was just the perfect excuse for closing it, a Sanae is valuable? Yes, but an factory, even more in this kind of totalitarist state, potentially have a production and social value.

But still, the factory is not profitable but an Sanae IS valuable, and humans learn from their errors and mistakes (atleast this kind of error lol), even if the factory situation is not very favorable, i could say that others research centers and factories potentially reinforce their security, the structural protection and even improve the rare types "training system" in response of Sanae incident. I can say that future Sanaes or any kind of rare yukkuri who wish to go agains humans, probably will not have the same "luck" as this one (this opinion also goes to pool #346).

Conclusion, this Sanae plays an important role in factories, the events of this comics would make humans more savage and smart against yukkuris in the future, i only hope that yukkuri "magic" have some kind of evolution system, on the contrary, those manjuus will have a dark dark and intresting future.

also, nice death tho

PS: This kind of work always make me remember that old disney cartoon from WWII ( when the punchline only comes in the end of the comic, i love this but atleast makes hard to me know the intention of the story kek

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