One Yukkuri Place



You said I'm "new", I told you you were wrong. That's it. If that's all you have left to cling to, I guess I'll go translate some more. Like, say, the two stories I got done while you were busy complaining.


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  • BaronMind said:

    Okay, I'm sorry for flipping out at you. It was like 5 AM, I had a headache and I hate repeating myself. I shouldn't have been posting at all.

    I find your repeated sentiment that translation makes you important and keeping tags searchable is "arbitrary and insignificant" insulting, but I've been plenty insulting too, so I'll eat my ego and drop the argument.

    Can we call it even and start over please?

    Keep in mind that the reader doesn't care whether the tag is "translated" or "translation available". He cares about whether it's translated or not.

    The fact that I established most of the template yukkuri phrases currently in use does grant me a certain something, I think. If you don't like it, you shouldn't have started it.

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  • BaronMind said:

    Hey, chill out. I'm not the one with a problem here!

    I want the tags to be consistent so that people can search them. That's it. If you want to use a different tagging standard to the rest of the site, well, that's just being passive-aggressive. Just like me, apparently.

    For the record, I actually prefer the 'Booru tagging standard. But I don't have permissions to retag the entire site to match it, and I'd probably get banned for vandalism if I did.

    And if you weren't new, I assumed you'd remember the tag system that's been in use since before this new button appeared. Sorry if I guessed wrong; your account is new, so I have no idea who you are.

    Flipping out on people contributing to the site for such an arbitrary and insignificant reason shows that you have your priorities wrong, so yes, you are the one with the problem. And you still have no idea how hilariously wrong you are.

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  • BaronMind said:

    new translator

    You have no idea how wrong you are there. Your arbitrary tag obsession doesn't mean anything to me, I'll just keep contributing and using that button.

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  • This sort of passive-aggressive anger is puzzling, especially coming from someone who can barely read kanji. I've translated a lot of yukkuri material before.
    Other boorus are fine with the translated tag. I don't see why you feel the need to be so abrasively obsessive about such a tiny detail, especially towards someone who's contributing to the site. Or maybe that's exactly what bothers you?

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  • I clicked the "mark as translated" button, which is supposed to be used by someone who's adding notes, not someone who's uploading an edited version. Thus, the tag it adds is the right tag by definition.

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  • The right panel is roughly "W-w-w-waaaaitch! You're not chupposed cho leave the youngecht Reimyu behinj!" (Youngest refers to herself, in this case.)

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