One Yukkuri Place

The Human Urge to Squeeze Cute Things

Posted under General

Whoa, easy there Lenny.

Still I think it could be cute to have a koyukkuri lightly bully another koyukkuri with aggressive rub-rub.

Little sis is everyone's shining star!
Reimu is doing rub-rub with too cute little sis!"

Bwig sis, Reimyu can't take it easy!
Shtop it, right now is okay!"

Mister Fly-need more Nitori! Right now is fine!

Me, I'm the type to get a nosebleed from something cute. I can't rationalize finding something so adorable you want to hurt it.

Yes, but not as you mentioned-aggressively. They can't rub-rub aggressively for a little bit without getting horny. Parents know to restrain their rubbing with kids and that's how their kids learn not to expect/do rub-rub that often with each other.

I would argue that it is at the artist's discretion and the direction of the piece. The fandom is notoriously inconsistent and there are plenty of family friendly pieces where family members lovingly rub-rub without a problem. If it is specifically rub-rub you take issue with then substitute lick-lick or any other form of yukkuri contact that in excess would seem smothering.

randomhaxofkindness said:

I would argue that it is at the artist's discretion and the direction of the piece. The fandom is notoriously inconsistent and there are plenty of family friendly pieces where family members lovingly rub-rub without a problem. If it is specifically rub-rub you take issue with then substitute lick-lick or any other form of yukkuri contact that in excess would seem smothering.

Dude, you wrote aggressive rub-rub between siblings. Then you subsequently broaden the qualifications/scope after I make a point. And now you speculate I am against any skinship and further qualify it with "there is no canon". But you're right in that sense; one can make anything happen in these stories.

You were speaking in absolute terms about a shared universe. I didn't broaden the scope, rather you were trying to force it into your head canon. I am not speculating on what you think about skinship because it doesn't matter as to what I'm addressing, light bullying from aggressive affection. It works perfectly to shift the context on "Reimyu is sorry for being so cute!" from smugness to non-violent bullying.

Back on track...

I think it depends on the layers of cuteness. I actually find retarded yus cute, but I'm pretty sure their behavior would get on my nerves pretty quick. Besides, yukkuris are inherently cute. They're cute, little pastry balls, all of them. What I find is that their cuteness is ultimately determined by their attitude. Nothing makes me wear my abyuse mohawk harder than ANY yukkuri saying "Sorry for being so (insert stupid yukkuri self-perception here)". Then again, nothing makes me wish they actually existed harder than ANY yukkuri saying "Take it easy, mister human! (yukkuri) is (yukkuri). Let's take it easy together!".

I think their appeal resides in that they can be intelligent to the point of sustaining short conversations, but never intelligent enough to actually become something more than moving ornaments. Always cute. But when the ornaments start challenging their owners, it's time to get aggressive.

As a sort of epilogue, I love abyuse towards any yukkuri, be it nicehead or shithead. But I'll confess that it pains me to see it directed to brave, selfless or otherwise "aware" yukkuris. Case in point, pool #112. I didn't derive much satisfaction from that one. Kiriraitaa or Takumi, on the other hand...

It's to a degree where "crying moe" is a defined term for yukkuris and is consistently used as part of their abilities.

While they tested it with bubble wrap, I'd still have to say, someone who found something honestly cute wouldn't attempt to hurt it, whether it be cat, dog, or talking pastry. I won't go into the subject of people who seem to enjoy beating dogs and throwing cats out of windows, though I'm glad to say the internet has a way of making sure those people learn their lesson. Anyway, popping bubble wrap != squeezing an animal to death. You're still interacting with an inanimate object (much like the survey done) versus physically harming such animal.

As for yukkuri, I still believe the whole abyuse thing wouldn't be so prevalent in the real world. The awful ones would die out, then not-too awful ones would be retrained, and the good ones would be saved.

Case in point, pool #112. I didn't derive much satisfaction from that one. Kiriraitaa or Takumi, on the other hand...

Me, neither. That whole story seemed so... out-of-whack with the rest of the perception of abyuse and/or training.

The only think I have felt like squeezing were rodents. But then again, that's because the last rat we had bit me twice, so I kinda have a vendetta for small wielders of super sharp teeth.

Oops. Old necro thread.