One Yukkuri Place


Posted under General

The problem with introducing Mokou is -how-. Unless it's a bodied-type simply coming to him (perhaps a business card was passed and she wants to move in?) As a yukkuri, she is an immortal pyromancer. I could set up a random encounter, yes, but then what to make of it? Rin can make fires, maybe Mokou could help with that. It hasn't come up, because Rin hasn't been under that much stress. Mokou could help her bring that out, I suppose. For what, though?

Then we return to the question of how they meet. Perhaps accidentally started a fire, they tried to dispose of her, but couldn't, so they bring her to him (ref: cop on the beach?). I dunno. Have to sleep on it. Then comes chronology. You have to understand: there's a lot on tap. Let me know if you -ever- want a peek down the rabbit hole, and I'll give you some ideas of what's coming.

FYI, the longer I take on chapters, the more I can flesh them out. My subchapter 7.3 was supposed to be about shopping.

I literally just had an idea fall into my lap WHILE they were shopping.

Does he bring Ran along for the trip? I would love how girls just fawn over her? Will Marisa get kinda passive-aggressive with other women or yukkuri (Even though I'm pretty sure there is actually no "female" chaeacter thats a human that's reoccuring)? Like with Ran? Not making direct "threats" But she kinda goes "Don't get any ideas, that's my man" I mean, that's how women are mostly. They don't get violent, but they kinda tell others to stay away from him.

Hitosura said:

The problem with introducing Mokou is -how-. Unless it's a bodied-type simply coming to him (perhaps a business card was passed and she wants to move in?) As a yukkuri, she is an immortal pyromancer. I could set up a random encounter, yes, but then what to make of it? Rin can make fires, maybe Mokou could help with that. It hasn't come up, because Rin hasn't been under that much stress. Mokou could help her bring that out, I suppose. For what, though?

Then we return to the question of how they meet. Perhaps accidentally started a fire, they tried to dispose of her, but couldn't, so they bring her to him (ref: cop on the beach?). I dunno. Have to sleep on it. Then comes chronology. You have to understand: there's a lot on tap. Let me know if you -ever- want a peek down the rabbit hole, and I'll give you some ideas of what's coming.

FYI, the longer I take on chapters, the more I can flesh them out. My subchapter 7.3 was supposed to be about shopping.

I literally just had an idea fall into my lap WHILE they were shopping.

Then by all means take your time. Also, if you'd like a proofreader, I'd love to help.

I'm at a branch, here. I've been considering giving Nitori a body -- whether she grows it, or they make it (probably grows it), but I feel I'll be getting way too into making too many bodied yukkuri (because if Nitori gets a body, I kind of see a need for Wakasagi to get one), as I still actually -do- have another bodied yukkuri coming down the line.

What do you think? Feel free to PM me your response.


In my haste, forgot the punchline of that sub-chapter...


So, since this will be kinda based off my Posts on the story. (I should've posted them here and be courteous and let the story be the only one that updates at the google groups site)

Sorry if it seems spammy:

But I'm into the love story because this will be the first time (from my recollection) that Kei will experience loss or sorrow that we get to see.

I wanna see Kei actually realize and go, "I shouldn't have done that." And actually shed tears about the whole ordeal. Marisa, the first yukkuri he gets and helps progress to be more human and she gets to experience quite possibly one of the strongest, if not, THE strongest emotions there are. Hate and despair.

Once she realizes that Kei was just stringing her along. The entire clan would experience one the darkest moments of Kei's and Marisa's life. Probably a chapter or two where Kei tries his darndest to recoup with Marisa.

This could affect her performance during tests or cause her to literally breakdown. A good story always has a tad of angst in it.

x3 Always the ray of sunshine~ <3

But the question is, will she become smart enough -to make that realization in the first place?- :o

A paradox, no ze!

Hitosura said:

x3 Always the ray of sunshine~ <3

But the question is, will she become smart enough -to make that realization in the first place?- :o

A paradox, no ze!

Will Kei contact the police as Kei could not only consider this an attack on his business, but he could show the police that the mutilated Ko can be construed as death threat. Will the Ko be questioned too? For the location of the perp? Like, a victory showing even a ko can be a worthwhile eye witness?

Hitosura said:

x3 Always the ray of sunshine~ <3

But the question is, will she become smart enough -to make that realization in the first place?- :o

A paradox, no ze!

Will Kei contact the police as Kei could not only consider this an attack on his business, but he could show the police that the mutilated Ko can be construed as death threat. Will the Ko be questioned too? For the location of the perp? Like, a victory showing even a ko can be a worthwhile eye witness?

Thomas_the_Dank_Engine said:

Will Kei contact the police as Kei could not only consider this an attack on his business, but he could show the police that the mutilated Ko can be construed as death threat. Will the Ko be questioned too? For the location of the perp? Like, a victory showing even a ko can be a worthwhile eye witness?

That's an interesting dynamic, as can the testimony of a ko be taken on the same level as the testimony of a human? As yukkuri have a tendency to be easily influenced, and be gaslight pretty easily, could their testimony be ruled?

Hm. But usually stuff like this, the yukkuri don't remember. They remember the abyusive person, but not much of the details. Remember, she was in a box. As for an attack on his business, it could be ruled that the yukkuri in question was not harmed on his place of business -- but was abandoned there. Dunno, all that seems pretty stretched, especially with no suspect in mind, and no way to link who did it. I could see if, somehow, Kei catches him, the ko could identify them.

The interesting thing is -- will it be considered property damage or animal abuse? :D

Hitosura said:

That's an interesting dynamic, as can the testimony of a ko be taken on the same level as the testimony of a human? As yukkuri have a tendency to be easily influenced, and be gaslight pretty easily, could their testimony be ruled?

Hm. But usually stuff like this, the yukkuri don't remember. They remember the abyusive person, but not much of the details. Remember, she was in a box. As for an attack on his business, it could be ruled that the yukkuri in question was not harmed on his place of business -- but was abandoned there. Dunno, all that seems pretty stretched, especially with no suspect in mind, and no way to link who did it. I could see if, somehow, Kei catches him, the ko could identify them.

The interesting thing is -- will it be considered property damage or animal abuse? :D

Maybe Animal abuse. They are sentient ceeatures that should be considered on par with an animal. Legislation just seems to be lacking about how human they can get.

I'm also countin' on you to make Kei's and Marisa love story play out splendidly. It will be GLORIUS.

But rest assured that guy who's trying to absue Kei's Yukkuri will put an end to a few characters right? So many characters, so many possibilites...

Soooo much typing. x_x Mister typesetter page can't take it easy (and lags like hell every few keystrokes).

Hitosura said:

Soooo much typing. x_x Mister typesetter page can't take it easy (and lags like hell every few keystrokes).

Maybe you could split it into two chapters when it happens?

Hitosura said:

Soooo much typing. x_x Mister typesetter page can't take it easy (and lags like hell every few keystrokes).

What word processor are you using?

Hitosura said:

Soooo much typing. x_x Mister typesetter page can't take it easy (and lags like hell every few keystrokes).

You might want to try Notepad++. It's not a resource hog and it's a lot more capable than regular Notepad.

I'm using the Google Groups page thing. It just lags like hell as I'm typing. My computer, itself, doesn't lag at all in any other window. It's just getting, well... that long. xD Again.

Hitosura said:

I'm using the Google Groups page thing. It just lags like hell as I'm typing. My computer, itself, doesn't lag at all in any other window. It's just getting, well... that long. xD Again.

You can just use an offline word processor without worrying about uneasy lag. When you're done, you can just copy/paste it into Google Groups.

Anyway, what browser do you use?

Mister Firefox can take it easy! ^_^
Are you using the latest version? Also, you may want to periodically close/open Firefox and restore your previous session. Still, I would suggest using a word processor, especially Notepad (or TextEdit) or, as @boom mentioned, Notepad++.

I'm bumping this thread because I want to ask Hitosura how's the story going.
I want to know how it ends after all...
Also the last four posts in a row in the group are mine and I'm feeling a little lonely >_>

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