One Yukkuri Place

New Yukkuri phone game

Posted under General

So I made a new iTunes acct to be able to access the Singapore App Store and found a very fun yukkuri raising game. Fairly basic and time based. Includes abuse and all. Only the main four yukkuri types but you can raise them into different varieties and there's a checklist for which you've gotten. Deibu and youkai reimu, Manchouli, Dosu Marisa, raper Alice. Haven't gotten many yet but I thought I'd let y'all know about it. It's in English too which is a huge bonus.

I think I just downloaded that.

Fairly interesting, though low quality. Hoping the developer want to spend more time working on it and ironing it out. The English is fair.

if you train and educate a marisa you get a guard marisa
if you love a remiu enough you get a singing remiu or a nanny remiu

and of course if you punish them ALOT you get butt marisas and butt remius

it also depends how long you keep them before you sell them as well

anyone know how to give them joy?

I'm working on unlocking everything and then I'm going try to find out how to give them joy. Presently seeing if giving a ton of sponge baths to a Marisa turns it into a shell type


So I figured out the silver badge Marisa and samurai Marisa. Basically for Samurai, you just have to train her using the katana and make sure to have her study. Silver was before I got to samurai.

It's also on the Play Store, but only in Chinese.
Edit: the app page is in Chinese but you can change the game language to English.


Bronze and Silver Marisa are from knowledge and keeping her loyal.
Kotatsu Marisa is strong and loyal (hypothesis, mind you -- just got Kotatsu)
Maid Reimu is love + knowledge + loyalty

Hitosura said:

Bronze and Silver Marisa are from knowledge and keeping her loyal.
Kotatsu Marisa is strong and loyal (hypothesis, mind you -- just got Kotatsu)
Maid Reimu is love + knowledge + loyalty