One Yukkuri Place

IMPORTANT: Future of the site, and what will happen going forward

Posted under General

Hadn't noticed the new forum post by Dosu.
Here's the current situation.

Installing Danbooru is feasible though not straightforward.
Once it's up it works just fine, though it will very likely need some fine tuning.
Financially, we're about halfway the theoretical monthly cost.
For the first month I can put the remaining half, but that's it so I'd really appreciate more help :)

Quick Update: sorry I've been quiet, but I've been packing and moving and I'm finally done. So far I've disabled payment on the site and we'll need to proceed with either archiving or take over of the site's finances.

This is a test forum post.
If you are reading this, it means the site is working!
Take it easy!

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