One Yukkuri Place

Discussion about Organizations of the Yukkuri World for future Stories.

Posted under General

I was thinking that it would be nice to think out a few organizations
that everybody could use in future stories like PETY, Yun-Yah Corp,
YukkuriPeace, etc. as a way to inspire some new stories.

For example, while i don't have a name for it, i was thinking of the
"PETY" paralel for ultra abusers, basically a organization that states
that yukkuris are wicked artificial abominations that the least their
abhorrent existence can do is to be "useful" to humanity in anyway
possible and that "sympathizing" with them is the paralel of
sympathizing with a badly programmed robot. Their leaders and more
shady members would be rumored to work like a mafia, having a strong
hold of the yukkuri black market and financing some of the most
extreme Yukkuri Factories, the same way that PETY's criminal side is
basically ecoterrorismn, vandalismn and taking yukkuris away of
owners, petshops and similar "non abusive" sectors.

Maybe anyone here could come out with a catchy name for this fellows?
or make their own organizations?


An OYP extension for this thread i started in Yufanfic group in case those that only post in OYP do have interesting ideas or our local artists may find this useful

Original Thread:

Updated by Skribulous

Well, if we imagine it on a line for convenience, you have PETY on the right, ultra anti-yukkuri groups (AYG) on the left, and then loads of stuff along varying lenths of it. So, for example, at the ultra left hand, the AYG believe in the extermination of all yukkuri, while the mid-left is abyusers clubs which might seem similar to what some of the AYG do but instead of doing it to exterminate and destroy yukkuri, they do it for the fun of abyuse. In the center (but veering towards the left) there are corporations, like the typical Yun-Yah, which may torment and do gruesome experiments on yukkuri, or run exterminations, but this is to develop products and pets to sell (maybe a bit like Mircosoft- not really radical, but do things that often garner huge criticism, although that's probably a bad analogy). They also sell pets, make abyuse devices, yu food and yu-traps, which depend on how they're used. Of course, closer to the AYG are factories that do the same kind of thing but to eliminate all yukkuri.

On the other side, PETY believes in removing all human contact and influence over yukkuri, so kidnap and 'free' pets, intimidate and threaten businesses that deal in them (no matter selling pets or selling abyuse devices, or indeed both). And again, there would be a few businesses and things towards this side, perhaps selling and marketing things with a slight anti-abuse bias, because they know there's a market for that as well. Likewise, they would be accused of doing harmful and unjust things.

HankySpank said:
I've always wondered what bureau presided over the badge system.

Now that's a good question that could be discussed in this thread, are the badges under the factory's administration or maybe they are some sort of government answer to the increasing problems that low quality and non administrated pets bring? maybe they are their own organization not related to factories or the government.

I would call it "Yukkuri Mascot Association" (YUMA) or "Yukkuri Pet Bureau" (YUPB) which would not only had to do with badges but alse the basic standars in yukkuri pet related materials and training.
In the whole "siding" thing, they would probably be in the exact middle, like the majority of the population in the yu world, clearly not liking shitheads and willing to get rid of them to some degree, but still liking yukkuris a lot like to make sure good pet yu's have rules backing them up and to prevent any situation like the scenario in the "Troublesome Marisa" story.

Still such organization would clearly not be perfect and coudl be a lot of bureaucracy or have a slow reaction to updates and modifications in their standars or methods of training, sometimes leading to a few branches being more lenient with scum being pets or other branches being highly strict with decent yukkuris because they aren't smart.

Personally, I've always considered it and written my stories this way:

Fuck all, it depends on the locals

Anyway, back on topic:


Yukkuri United-Yukkuri Unified, a delusional pro-yukkuri organization like PETA which frequently harbors pro-yukkuri terrorists.


Organization for Yukkuri Production

The "Factory". Take that as you will.

JusticeItEasy said:

If anything they would either be a government agency or sanctioned by the government. Otherwise there'd be no point to the system because any kid could go around smashing up pet yus/trained work yus with no consequences.

I do like the idea of dirty deals and loads of red tape, though.

Racking my brain for yukkuri puns, I thought of one--the Paste Corps, an organization in which people enlist to perform yukkuri-related community service. (Or has someone written about the Paste Corps before and I just forgot about it and unwittingly plagiarized them?)

You _could_ depict it as somewhat positive (say, educating stray yukkuri clans to help them coexist more peacefully with humans), but I'm thinking it would more likely be neutral or abusive. The Paste Corps might conduct exterminations, or go into the community to teach people how to deal with yukkuris, or help build anti-yukkuri barriers to protect farming communities and nature preserves, or even go into developing or famine-stricken countries and teach people how to breed yukkuris for an endless supply of manju.

platina said:
-Paste Corps-

Well it could be neutral and still try to teach clans how to coexist with non yukkuris and such while exterminating troublesome clans.

In fact I would encourage it to be neutral, both being benefactor and bane of the yukkuris depending of the situation, like helping nice head wilds, while wiping out stray shitheads (or the other way around), thinking out countermeasures for yukkuri invasions or shitheads while planning ways to help good clans.

We really need more Neutral groups, since we tend to gravitate, while making organizations, towards either the Lover Side or the Abyuse Side of the Yunforce. Like all our groups are some degree of lover or abyuser but still a lover group or an abyuser group (strawman or proper and serious depending of the degree.)

How about some religious sects. I mean at least some people will regard the sudden appearance of sentient, mobile manju as either being some kind of emanation of the sacred or profane or some kind of harbinger of the end of the world. I can see some people either worshiping them or trying to exterminate them in the name of some deity.

Perhaps something like post #2800

JusticeItEasy said:

The problem with "Neutral" groups is that they end up being depicted as "family friendly" or "abuser" depending on what type of story they're used in the most. The "Factory" is actually a "Neutral" group but gets labeled as an "abuser" group because its portrayed so negatively and so often.

Remember when stray yukkuris would attack elderly (yeah, I've seen it in the archives)/children (seen it)/pet yukkuris (lol so common) thus sparking exterminations? Now its : ZOMG EXTERMINATIONS ARE EVIL! THEY SHOULD FOCUS ON SAVING THE NICEHEADS, KILLING THE SHITHEADS AND EDUCATING THE SURVIVORS!

amicustribusyu said:
How about some religious sects. I mean at least some people will regard the sudden appearance of sentient, mobile manju as either being some kind of emanation of the sacred or profane or some kind of harbinger of the end of the world. I can see some people either worshiping them or trying to exterminate them in the name of some deity.

Perhaps something like post #2800

Oh god no. No religion in yukkuri works. If the 4chan trolls heard about it, the site would burn for weeks.

amicustribusyu said:
How about some religious sects. I mean at least some people will regard the sudden appearance of sentient, mobile manju as either being some kind of emanation of the sacred or profane or some kind of harbinger of the end of the world. I can see some people either worshiping them or trying to exterminate them in the name of some deity.

Perhaps something like post #2800

Phantasmagoria of Manjuu View?

yukiyuzen said:
-Interesting statement about neutral groups and similars aside of a commentary about NOT using religious groups-

Extermination is something I don't mind much, because of the reasons you mentioned and more, If anything I would probably purpose to be selective in exterminating but based on clan bulk, like, if a Clan is like the Alice's clan of this anko post #38662 spare it, but if the Clan's bulk is mainly trash get rid of them, etc. instead of checking "each individual's yu worth disregarding the time it would take" after all one can't bother the exterminators with such level of selectiveness in their job, they can just check the majority of the yu's reactions and determinate if they are pest or not.

Also I think the reason the Factory is usually made into abuse is because of how it is represented or it's methods or how "abyuse rabid" the place seems, like in that Yungyku Empire or that Story of the Kid and his visit to the factory, I do believe a Factory can be neutral, it just needs people focusing less in the extreme ways a factory can torture Yu's, and focus more on how they process them and the prodcuts that come from it.

And about religious groups, I damn agree, no religious group please. . .Yu's are already controversial enough, let's not dwell into even more serious topics that could lead to outside trolls comming.

JusticeItEasy said:

Well, one of the most obvious problems is how to portray the Factory as anything OTHER than "abuse". Lets face it, if the story talks about the Factory doing anything other than "pet yukkuri training", it sounds BAD.

And that story is a really bad example. It assumes the clan leader/family will be smart/small/timid/whatever enough to not try and fight back and we all know thats obviously an extremely small minority.

yukiyuzen said:
Well, one of the most obvious problems is how to portray the Factory as anything OTHER than "abuse". Lets face it, if the story talks about the Factory doing anything other than "pet yukkuri training", it sounds BAD.

And that story is a really bad example. It assumes the clan leader/family will be smart/small/timid/whatever enough to not try and fight back and we all know thats obviously an extremely small minority.

Actually they being the minority (as in 1 nice clan over 10 clans) is what makes the whole thing interesting, basically you leave that clan who "understands" the sitation as the only one around, so the chances of any potential new strays coming to them and learning increases, after a culling. Of course when i mean "see the reactions" is investigating undercover while pinpointing where the clans are, after all they would still need to find them, and the idea isn't about them not fighting back but being reasonable on it's majority.

Now about the factory, maybe a story that tries to makes the whole deal more neutral should focus and mention a lot the "good things" the factory does to other yukkuris that aren't their cannon fodder? maybe mention the medicine, skin patches and stuff like that?

The problem with "Neutral" groups is that they end up being depicted as "family friendly" or "abuser" depending on what type of story they're used in the most. The "Factory" is actually a "Neutral" group but gets labeled as an "abuser" group because its portrayed so negatively and so often.

Change "The problem with 'Neutral' groups..." to "One thing about 'Neutral' groups...", and those would be my thoughts _exactly_. (I don't have a problem with it--and maybe you don't either, maybe you were just using a phrase of speech.)

Organizations, humans, yukkuris--hell, the whole universe--they're all as benevolent or malevolent as the author wants them to be.

Now about the factory, maybe a story that tries to makes the whole deal more neutral should focus and mention a lot the "good things" the factory does to other yukkuris that aren't their cannon fodder? maybe mention the medicine, skin patches and stuff like that?

That, or neutral doesn't have to be about actively doing good along with doing bad, it could just be neutral to begin with.

Like, if it's a food-processing Factory, maybe the yukkuris that get processed into food don't suffer excessively. If newborn babies long for their mothers, they quickly forget; they have dull but relatively easy lives munch-munching adequate food until they grow up, and then they're slaughtered so quickly they barely have time to register what's going on.

I'm not saying that would necessarily make a very interesting story, but... it's a possible spin on things.

JusticeItEasy said:

The problem is, you have to remember the context of the story. The clan has experienced an extermination SO OFTEN that all you have to do is say "come out or else I'll call the Factory" and they'll come out. All it takes is one dumbass Anon to screw up the whole situation :

Anon: "Come out or else I'll call the Factory! Don't worry guys, I'm not the Factory I'm just a sadist Anon, prepare to suffer at my whim MUHAHAHA!"

I've considered that but theres a reason why pharmaceutical research with animals as test subjects is gimped, crippled and retarded. Any medical breakthroughs you can imagine with yukkuris, I can twist and contort in ways that would NEVER come close to what animal rights groups have done.

platina said:

Yeah, that was actually what I wrote at first but then it turned into a massive rant, so I guess I over edited.

I agree, but "Neutral" actions are always benevolent or malevolent. The only "Neutral" actions are inactions and that doesn't make for effective characters.

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