One Yukkuri Place

Tag Alias:stretching→stretch-stretch

Posted under General

amicustribusyu said:
Tag Alias:stretching→stretch-stretch

Consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns.

So we're going with the yukkuri-izing of tags now? Why is that necessary?

Its not, but let them have their toys. Eventually they'll forget about the tag and it'll be another obscure underused and unused tag which no one will want to fix. (How about that piss tag huh guys? peeing just wasn't accurate enough was it?)

amicustribusyu said:
Tag Alias:stretching→stretch-stretch

Consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns.

Wait, did we agree or not about doing this kind of changes? Rereading the thread where this was discussed left me confused.


JusticeItEasy said:
Wait, did we agree or not about doing this kind of changes? Rereading the thread where this was discussed left me confused.

I'm pretty sure the admins said no, but I guess it was ignored.

I'm still annoyed at some of the typos in the recent tags.

short version: no we're not using it.

Long version: it'll be aliased so you can use both if somebody decides to tag it.

This was requested before: forum #1354. Why are you reposting?

poweryoga said:
short version: no we're not using it.

Long version: it'll be aliased so you can use both if somebody decides to tag it.

What about the lick-lick/licking, puff puff/puffing, roll-roll/rolling, and rub-rub/rubbing tags? Shouldn't this be fixed already for consistency's sake?

Will make a special case for rub-rub and lick-lick because they're used so often in every single story. I haven't seen most of the other ones being used and quite frankly nobody used them before.

I've got some suggestions for how we can update the tags and make OYP a better place.

Koyukkuri: useless tag, it tells me nothing. What kind of koyukkuri(s) are in the picture? I don't know! So we should phase out that tag and replace it with specific ones. And in consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns, we should use the yukkuri names, as they're said by koyukkuris, e.g. "Weimu," "Mawisha," "Awiche" and so on.

Xyukkuri: How many yukkuris are in a picture? I can never tell, let alone search for the right number. We really need to start tagging how many yukkuris there are in pictures. In consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns, this should go like "1yukkuri" "2yukkuri" "3yukkuri" "lotyukkuri."

yukkuri: Also, its impossible to find the pictures where yukkuris are saying their catchphrase. That needs to be fixed.

Anon: No yukkuri says "anon." So why are we searching for humans with it? They do, however, say "onii-san," "shitty old geezer" and the like. Introducing those tags also improves search in that users can look for specific types of anon, such as the friendly ones or the not so friendly ones.

starshine said:
I've got some suggestions for how we can update the tags and make OYP a better place.

Koyukkuri: useless tag, it tells me nothing. What kind of koyukkuri(s) are in the picture? I don't know! So we should phase out that tag and replace it with specific ones. And in consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns, we should use the yukkuri names, as they're said by koyukkuris, e.g. "Weimu," "Mawisha," "Awiche" and so on.

Xyukkuri: How many yukkuris are in a picture? I can never tell, let alone search for the right number. We really need to start tagging how many yukkuris there are in pictures. In consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns, this should go like "1yukkuri" "2yukkuri" "3yukkuri" "lotyukkuri."

yukkuri: Also, its impossible to find the pictures where yukkuris are saying their catchphrase. That needs to be fixed.

Anon: No yukkuri says "anon." So why are we searching for humans with it? They do, however, say "onii-san," "shitty old geezer" and the like. Introducing those tags also improves search in that users can look for specific types of anon, such as the friendly ones or the not so friendly ones.

best suggestion ever. Updating right now.

Xyukkuri: How many yukkuris are in a picture? I can never tell, let alone search for the right number. We really need to start tagging how many yukkuris there are in pictures. In consistency with canonical yukkuri speech patterns, this should go like "1yukkuri" "2yukkuri" "3yukkuri" "lotyukkuri."

Erh...something about this idea seems like a good/bad idea to me. While the idea in itself is helpful the concept has always been plauged with "How many Xsomething tags do we need before the cut-off of "X+somethings and how many Xsomething tags can we really have before it too much?" Is 1-3 & lotyukkuri tag really enough to get the job done when it comes to searching for a specific image? Personally I feel that having tag ranging from 1-6 before lotyukkuri would help fellow users narrow down their options within a searching somewhat better.


Gothic_Togekiss said:
Erh...something about this idea seems like a good/bad idea to me. While the idea in itself is helpful the concept has always been plauged with "How many Xsomething tags do we need before the cut-off of "X+somethings and how many Xsomething tags can we really have before it too much?" Is 1-3 & lotyukkuri tag really enough to get the job done when it comes to searching for a specific image? Personally I feel that having tag ranging from 1-6 before lotyukkuri would help fellow users narrow down their options within a searching somewhat better.

He's kidding.

Or he better be.

poweryoga said:
He's kidding.

Or he better be.

I am very much not serious with any of these tag suggestions I've been making. Just been taking a lame joke farther than I should be (thank you, alcohol!).

More accurate tags on OYP is a great idea, but the whole using yukkuri speech/logic is a horrible idea for accessibility for both old and new users. And some tags aren't necessary when we now have pools.

starshine said:
I am very much not serious with any of these tag suggestions I've been making. Just been taking a lame joke farther than I should be (thank you, alcohol!).

More accurate tags on OYP is a great idea, but the whole using yukkuri speech/logic is a horrible idea for accessibility for both old and new users. And some tags aren't necessary when we now have pools.

These days you never know...
