One Yukkuri Place

Yukkuri RP thread

Posted under General

I'll join this thread, but only if I can be a half-Alice, half-Patchouli, half-Yukari, half-Human hlaf-Youkai half-God whose parents got killed by ninjas...

...And she's out for revenge!

Also nobody understands her because she's too smart for her age.

Don't say things we don't understand

As compensation, fork over the sweets sweets
Cash or card is also fine

It would help if we were to define what kind of RP this is going to be:
Are the players playing as yukkuri, humans interacting with Yukkuri or a mixture of both?

You should also appoint a GM to manage the game, completely free-form RP generally goes nowhere fast.
I'd be willing to GM this, but first I'd like to know who's interested and what kind of game you folks want to play.

Just want to take it easy
Rules are uneasy
*look up*
Mister Fairy who stomp on yukkuri is uneasy

Going home...

FunkSoulBrother said:

Also, what ruleset are we using? I'd vote for GURPS or Pathfinder, they're both solid enough for this.

starshine said:
Also, what ruleset are we using? I'd vote for GURPS or Pathfinder, they're both solid enough for this.

Hold on, lemme find GURPS: manjuu

starshine said:
Also, what ruleset are we using? I'd vote for GURPS or Pathfinder, they're both solid enough for this.

I vote for 4th edition.

starshine said:
You're the reason gaming is dying out.

Oh, come on. 4e isn't THAT bad.


...It's still pretty bad, though.

HankySpank said:
Oh, come on. 4e isn't THAT bad.


...It's still pretty bad, though.

I'll come for you in your sleep.

Red_Ruin said:
I'll come for you in your sleep.

Not even your healing surges will protect you against my power!

HankySpank said:
Not even your healing surges will protect you against my power!

What you going to do? Hit me with your sword, then hit hit me with your sword again? Then to finish me off, hit me with your sword? Unless you're wizard; which means you're a walking I WIN button.

But seriously, I don't really want an edition war; that way lies madness and death.

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