One Yukkuri Place

A question about pictures

Posted under General

I upload pictured from rule34 from and but some pics that i upload are blocked because it aready exist, thats ok, but here is what i want to know:

Pictures that are resized version of other pictures are allowed? i mean, one that i uploaded is (without my knowledge) a resized version of another one,so any of them would be deleted?


poweryoga said:
If the image is already on the site don't resize and reupload. What's the point?

It might be because the image already on the site is a lower resolution / lower quality version of the picture than the new one to be uploaded. In which case I think it should be uploaded, and the older version linked as a child of the better quality picture. There's already several examples on the site.

Ideally I don't want huge files or absurd resolution files that are 5+ megs around. It's hard to look for a normal 1080p monitor and not to mention it does suck up bandwidth. We're ok on the hosting bills, but I don't want dreamhost to call me about too much bandwidth being used.

danogoat said:
but... mister hosting bills!

There is that to consider. Also, there's the question of why it's even beneficial to have larger resolution pictures around here. It's not like we're dealing in landscapes or realistic pictures that require amazingly huge resolutions to appreciate. Some of the most beloved yukkuri pictures are quite small. Take Ammo or Clammbon's work, for instance.

And if you're wanting larger resolution of porn pictures so you can better see the details on the non-yukkuri character you're jacking off too, well, you got those pictures at that resolution from another website, so you can go there to look at them in higher resolution if that's what you prefer.

danogoat said:
but... mister hosting bills!

Mister hosting bills get paid on their own, like how mister vegetables grow on their own!

YukkurisMustDie said:
Mister hosting bills get paid on their own, like how mister vegetables grow on their own!

We can finally take it easy then!

poweryoga said:
If the image is already on the site don't resize and reupload. What's the point?

Well i am not resizing stuff, i get stuff from rule34 paheal and booru, the ones that aready here cant be reuploaded, but this anti repost feature is invalidated by resized pictures, which i dont know that that they are aready uploaded, so by accident, some of my pictures are unwanted resizes, and for answers, those resizes are smaller than the aready posted ones.

poweryoga said:
Ideally I don't want huge files or absurd resolution files that are 5+ megs around. It's hard to look for a normal 1080p monitor and not to mention it does suck up bandwidth. We're ok on the hosting bills, but I don't want dreamhost to call me about too much bandwidth being used.

Well, my uploads are usually small (600-1000x600-1000) its the the average size of my uploads, those huge posters are posted sometimes by GT.

zidana123 said:
And if you're wanting larger resolution of porn pictures so you can better see the details on the non-yukkuri character you're jacking off too, well, you got those pictures at that resolution from another website, so you can go there to look at them in higher resolution if that's what you prefer.

Except for you know, the uploader not adding the source of their image in the upload.

Doesn't OYP have an auto-resizing or auto-thumbnail generation feature like some other image boards? Like say, the original source is uploaded in high-res, but what's actually displayed is auto-scaled to fit the viewing screen resolution as well as minimize bandwidth.

Skribulous said:
Except for you know, the uploader not adding the source of their image in the upload.

Doesn't OYP have an auto-resizing or auto-thumbnail generation feature like some other image boards? Like say, the original source is uploaded in high-res, but what's actually displayed is auto-scaled to fit the viewing screen resolution as well as minimize bandwidth.

It does, but its not enabled by default. The thumbnailing actually takes up additional resource in terms of additional thumbnail storage space + cpu power, so I'm not entirely happy with that approach.

poweryoga said:
It does, but its not enabled by default. The thumbnailing actually takes up additional resource in terms of additional thumbnail storage space + cpu power, so I'm not entirely happy with that approach.

So the processing is done at the server side, not client based? That's not very efficient.

I don't think the thumbnailing is done on the client side, but I might be confusing functions... might have to get back to you on that.

Skribulous said:
So the processing is done at the server side, not client based? That's not very efficient.

Well, whats the diference?

I am a medic not a programmer +.<

poweryoga said:
Server side processing costs money (in a vague sense) . Client side processing is free.

So, why you dont do the free one?

Hrywhoaranngnh said:
So, why you dont do the free one?

The same reason why I don't drive a Ferrari to work or eat ponies for lunch.

poweryoga said:
The same reason why I don't drive a Ferrari to work or eat ponies for lunch.

Someone would steal it?

I would tip my hat to you if you eated ponies for lunch, never liked horses.