One Yukkuri Place

Relay Manga V2 (2012~2015)

Posted under General

poweryoga said:
its ok...

we'll extend deadline out one more month just for danogoat...

Dosu confirmed for Mokou-type.

Because that's a sick burn right there.

danogoat said:
have to go on a trip so i wont be able to finish soon. ill try to finish before wednesday.



ending today or later tomorrow. only normal page because it was gonna get tedious to ink all the other stuff so you get half the content and full time. yukyakya

taking a lot of time fixing the page...
okay whatever ill post half the page so randomhax can get the basic idea of what im doing

had a muscle strain on the leg yesterday, im finishing it today. its hard to draw when they changed all my work schedule to full night

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