One Yukkuri Place

About the daily coexistence between Yukkuri and Human

Posted under General

Fiver said:
Lol, a bodied Yukkuri could work for a going abuser fic xD.

My idea was that the Yukkuri market expanded exponentialy without any real control, in one of those mini island in the south pacific a group of smuggled Yukkuris ate the whole island in less than three months, 30 Yukkuris to 600 in one summer or something like that.

Switzerland said fuck this and banned Yukkuris from the country, no pet, no farms, nothing, they don't want to deal with that. Countries like Spain or France adopted Yukkuris and now they have thousands of strays in their cities, well in Paris they run massive exterminations, and they garbage collectors get a bonus per head.

People in third or four world nations only see walking food, they're treated like chickens or pigs.

After the whole "GoldBadgeGate" the pet system branched in two schools of training, one more akin to a military school, works better for predators and very active owners, and a more "Dog whisperer" for more sedentary families.

The "GoldBadgeGate" was an epic mess in PR, one child death, several adults wounded, one woman loss her finger ;), one day the expensive gold badge pet Yukkuris snapped without any logic reason.

One family with one Alice and her kids being the most dramatic case on the record. A little girl five of six years old took the ko's to play in the garden, they were dirty and went to take a shower, the girl removed her hairband and removed the ko's hairbands.

The mother Alice found them on the bathtud, no accesories = stray... the rest is history.

The history ends in a video leaking from the pet training grounds inside the factory and everyone going wtf for the content.

Pretty interesting Fiver! Anyone else have their own canons/ideas they would like to share?

Mister Fiver should turn that into a proper story on YFT, now is okay!

Seriously, it sounds like you have some interesting ideas there.

gay-pants said:
If it were up to me: make it allowed to hunt and abuse yukkuri (and possibly encourage doing so as well) and only make it illegal to hurt the ones with badges. Make another law that forces pet owners to put badges on their Yukkuri so they can be identified.

Even if they are scum manjuu, you have to admit you'd be traumatized (if not just incredibly pissed off or saddened) at someone slaughtering your pets.

I'd prefer the law just say they're okay to kill.

Promoting abuse, which is an act of violence, is not something good to be codified in law.
More likely the law will just turn blind eyes, recommending a quick, clean and practical execution of yukkuri.
Besides, abusing yukkuri takes time and you can finish dozen more if you just crush them and be done with it.

I figured they are treated like an invasive species, steps are taken to exterminate them from the environment just as we do today. Abuse is frowned upon just as animal cruelty is in the real world.

Salem said:
I'd prefer the law just say they're okay to kill.

Promoting abuse, which is an act of violence, is not something good to be codified in law.
More likely the law will just turn blind eyes, recommending a quick, clean and practical execution of yukkuri.
Besides, abusing yukkuri takes time and you can finish dozen more if you just crush them and be done with it.

That's sort of what I meant by "hunting" them.

And when I said I would like it to be encouraged I didn't exactly picture the government itself would be doing it, instead it would be supporting societies created for the prupose of bullying, abusing, and killing yukkuris.

But whatever man.

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