One Yukkuri Place

Everyone~ <3

Posted under General

Who here knows Chinese/Japanese?
We need like, full time translators. XD
I'm on basically 20 times a day checking for updates. And I can translate Chinese comics. (Link if you want something CHINESE to be translated)

Just a note...
啊=あ= A
慢慢来=Take it easy
ゆっくり= Yukkuri
Some basics. :U

Updated by Kakak2008

High five!

We've got the opposite problem of the Japanese translators. There's alot of us around but not many Chinese works. :x

Japanese translator reporting! And I check in every day! I'm usually too busy or too stupid to be much help, but I try!

I know some Japanese, been learning it since late 2012; not much motivation to put it to use though, especially not when people spam emoticons and beg for things like it's nobody's business whenever I do the occasional translation (looking at you, Danbooru).

I don't know either, but I'm willing to cheer on those that do and are willing to pitch in. Goooooo translators!

Yandere said:
Who here knows Chinese/Japanese?
We need like, full time translators. XD
I'm on basically 20 times a day checking for updates. And I can translate Chinese comics. (Link if you want something CHINESE to be translated)

The works tagged combat_miko that don't have a translation yet, if you please. I've always been a fan of the art, and I'd like to at least have some closure, for completion's sake.

I, for one, am willing to donate to those who translate. Is only fair that, if they give me such easiness with their translations, I give them some pizza money for their efforts. It is the only way I can think of of repaying that effort.

Jap noob Translator here, usually I check it every day and I translate it when it isn't a wall of text or it is part of an interesting story.

Yandere can you and the other guys that know Chinese create a list of common words in Yukkuri-stories? I was planning to create a list of Japanese words for this propose to help newcommers, for example the word 'ゆ虐' doesn't exist in any dictionary but it is common in some works with the meaning of "yukkuri abuse".