One Yukkuri Place

Lets just talk.

Posted under General

This is a forum for discussion right? But all it ever gets used for is clerical stuff, so lets talk yukkuri!

How about your biggest yukkuri pet peeve. Like something that you hate seeing in a story or comic.

I'll start:
I hate hybrids!
They are very hard to do properly and elegantly (Black and White), and a lot of the times I just think it comes out awkward.

Updated by yukiyuzen

I think that the style is a very important factor. I mean, look at naminami or rorinko. Their style is simple in the eyes but metakou and kiriraitaa make really big eyes. I bet if we all make the same yukkuri and make a collage, you will find some of them cute, rage inducing, etc.

The yukkuri you mix is something you must think. Yuuka-Chen turned out cute and popular. Satori-Orin is fine too (I think) and Chen-Remilia is quite an interesting combination. Also, Remiryaaki's Marisa-Reimu is nice. You just need to think a little bit. If not, you might end up with a Tewi-Reisen, a Remilia-Flan or even a Kiene-Exkiene (this last one sounds ridiculous)

[start rant]You mean drawing-wise? I don't draw so I can't comment on that but writing-wise, hybrids are nightmares to work with. Hybrids make it easier to make an original character without straying too far, but they're also harder to define since you can't just say "my Patchouli/Marisa hybrid is an super smart, super strong main character!" without sound like a straight-up Mary Sue character. (Thats what Anons are for, but then you open up a whole other can of worms.)

Mind you, they can be used in stories but its HARD. The best stories I've read that use hybrids are usually short-stories, one-shots or make them such minor characters you can make them pure yukkuri characters without losing much (not trying to bash anyone's works).

That said, heres my pet peeve.

[start larger rant]I hate "god-level" plot devices.

When I say that I mean anything that takes an existing story and says "And then the WHOLE WORLD changed as a result". If a story is written with the plot device in mind from the beginning, I don't mind but I hate mid-story flips like that. It just seems like a cheap world reset to me.[end rants]

The one i hate most are incomplete series and artists that are gone forever. Also incomplete translations at the Google group!, its the only thing i really can complain about.

I don't like crossovers. Not even one, no matter how well done it is.
They just seem... odd, at best.

As for the hybrids, I cannot imagine how to make a good one: they have too many aspect that need to be covered, if you leave something out people will think that "it's not complete". But if you put everything into an hybrid, it seems like a mary sue.
@Yukiyuzen: if you recall a good hybrid in a story/pic, would you mind to write it here?

@Danogoat: yep ;_;
Incomplete translations in google groups however make us realise how much work a translator has to do, between translating and posting something that makes sense without losing the origianl author's style.

What about talking about something we like, too?
For me there are many, but the best one is the community: most of the people, at a point or another, contribute.
It's nice, since everyone does his best according to his abilities and so we get translators, editors, artists, stories.
Also, the fact that you are part of the 'working community' makes you more polite and reasonable towards the others' efforts.

Something i don't like of the whole Meme?

Hmmm, well i said it once, the whole 1 shot rage inducing pics, those feel incomplete for the lack of conclusion.

Outside of that, i think i don't have that much of dislike, at least that is worthwhile or as passionate as my dislike of the 1 shot rage inducing pics.

Anon kun said:
I don't like crossovers. Not even one, no matter how well done it is.
They just seem... odd, at best.

If you mean Yukkuri Stories/World Crossovering with some other series, i agree, the Yukkuri World tends to work with way too different rules and standars like to do a good crossover outside of the token "meme cameo".

It's like when people try to crossover South Park, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, etc. They just don't work with other series.

If you mean crossovers in general, well, i disagree, but take in consideration i'm a Super Robot Wars and Capcom Vs Fan, so it's inevitable for me to back up the crossover concept =P

Anon kun said:
What about talking about something we like, too?
For me there are many, but the best one is the community: most of the people, at a point or another, contribute.
It's nice, since everyone does his best according to his abilities and so we get translators, editors, artists, stories.
Also, the fact that you are part of the 'working community' makes you more polite and reasonable towards the others' efforts.

Yeah taking aside some nerd rage fighting we may have and the occasional Radical Outsiders trying to enforce their ideas here without even trying to understand the differences between FF World and Non FF world. The community in general is nice. We may have our disagreements but in the end if respect and civility is shown we in general answer with the same respect and civility.

I suspect that it's mainly because it's a small community and because there is less tolerance to disrupters and trolls.

JusticeItEasy said:

If you mean crossovers in general, well, i disagree, but take in consideration i'm a Super Robot Wars and Capcom Vs Fan, so it's inevitable for me to back up the crossover concept =P

"Crossovers" shouldn't be the term to describe this, since it's not like you have yukkuri beating the snot out of Dan Hibiki or piloting EVA-01 (oh, wait) or any such inanity (hilarious the idea as it is).

It's more like taking ideas out of established franchises/popular stories and putting a unique spin to it in the form of yukkuri. Like a yukkuri fighting tournament, or yukkuri wars. Or even yukkuri-jutsu (now there's an idea...).

There's lots of ways of going at it without having to introduce the original cast from the series the story is inspired by.

Back to the topic:

danogoat said:
The one i hate most are incomplete series and artists that are gone forever. Also incomplete translations at the Google group!, its the only thing i really can complain about.

Seconding this. Other than that, I have no problems (...Well, maybe one, but I'm not going to reopen old wounds again. Besides, I'm pretty sure the evidence is all gone since the delete function was introduced) with OYP. I like it here, douchebags aside.

Anon kun said:
@Yukiyuzen: if you recall a good hybrid in a story/pic, would you mind to write it here?

The Wolf and the Seven Yukkuri did a (fairly) good job using a hybrid considering the size of the cast. No comment on the sequel story.

"Story C" (someone please rename it) here : pool #255 also used hybrids well but more a series of gags rather than a story.

post #28338 is also fairly good, although calling it a 'hybrid' is being generous.


yukiyuzen said:
The Wolf and the Seven Yukkuri did a (fairly) good job using a hybrid considering the size of the cast. No comment on the sequel story.

"Story C" (someone please rename it) here : pool #255 also used hybrids well but more a series of gags rather than a story.

post #28338 is also fairly good, although calling it a 'hybrid' is being generous.

Yes well, I don't even know where I'm going in Conquest anymore. The more i think about it, the more it seems like a jumbled mess. At least I ended it on an Arc so it wouldn't seem so abruptish.

And the Blonde Reimu in Wolf7 wasn't so much a hybrid and more like a...well? A blond Reimu.

I think it was hourai that said in a chapter of GSC that there was a hybrid Alice whos only difference from regular ones was her eye color. Following this principle, The blonde Reimu can be considered a hybrid

kurutto-kun said:
I think it was hourai that said in a chapter of GSC that there was a hybrid Alice whos only difference from regular ones was her eye color. Following this principle, The blonde Reimu can be considered a hybrid

Different continuities though.

Hourai said:
Different continuities though.

Course it could be just more name confusion on Kurutto's part =P

harouki said:
Yes well, I don't even know where I'm going in Conquest anymore. The more i think about it, the more it seems like a jumbled mess. At least I ended it on an Arc so it wouldn't seem so abruptish.

And the Blonde Reimu in Wolf7 wasn't so much a hybrid and more like a...well? A blond Reimu.

Mmm... well. Your choice I guess? I can't really think of what to say seeing as I just ended a story with a knee-jerk ending. I won't comment on the Conquest story though since its not something that should be talked about here.

post #1775 : If a Marisa with red ribbons is considered to be hybrid, I'm pretty sure a Reimu with blonde hair is considered to be a hybrid.

starshine said:
why is there no fucking delete for forum posts

I have delete post but that might just be a moderator function... someone (privileged/contributor) confirm that for me please? :P

re: hybrids

I find them kind of hard to use as well. The only one I've really considered fully is to use a yuka-chen and I think its hard to describe them in general. I believe any material has the ability to be done well, but it really depends on the author.

re: crossovers

I think it depends on the rules of the universe. If one universe's rule is too different from another's, then the crossover would seem weird. Also the definition of a "crossover" would be different from people to people. Would a cameo be considered a crossover or would it have to be a full-fledged story that intertwines with another universe? I favor the latter myself as a "crossover".

As for yukkuris, don't really hate anything about them. Only disappointed in unfinished series or suddenly disappearing artists, but as an internet community this is to be expected. Especially one as fickle as 2ch.

Well I guess I do hate z-aki's deibu. >:|

poweryoga said:
I have delete post but that might just be a moderator function... someone (privileged/contributor) confirm that for me please? :P

Contributors can't delete forum posts :P

How long a story has to be to get an untranslated original pool and a translated edited pool? Like True Happiness.

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