One Yukkuri Place

Old Yukkurarium Game

Posted under General

Not sure how many people remember or care about the old yukkuri game featured here post #38221 but if anyone is interested here is a link to an older translated version.

Password: OYP

I have included decompiled source code and included it with the download so you can play around with it. if there is a newer version that someone wants decompiled so they can mess about let me know.

This was the game that sorta got it all started for me with Yukkuri as I stumbled upon it at random one day which culminated in finding this place. Any one else remember the first picture/story/game that lead you here?

On a side note does anyone know why development stopped on it?


gay-pants said:
Startup failed :(

I think the developer stopped work on this early 2013 or late 2012 maybe?

this one is from 2011, if you have a link to the last version I'll decompile that one. As for the startup fail well it should run the same as the Maricha game and I did test it before uploading I'll double check the upload is not corrupted.

Edit: checked no issue with the upload.

My first exposure to yukkuri is 'Yukkuri no more'. You know, the one that has Human Alice and psychotic yukkuri Marisa and treadmill.

My initial reaction was disgust and morbidly curious. One thing led to another and now I am a proud member of society with guilty pleasure of watching cute red bean bun suffer.

gay-pants said:
Startup failed :(

I think the developer stopped work on this early 2013 or late 2012 maybe?

Try change the name of the folder and exe file to English. It work for me.


My first encounter with yukkuris was in gurochan, about year and a half ago. I loved the jissouseki threads, but once I saw yukkuri abuse, I never looked back. I'm not a total monster, though, so I also enjoy yukkuris for their true adorableness factor, something jissous didn't have.

Artistical said:
My first encounter with yukkuris was in gurochan, about year and a half ago. I loved the jissouseki threads, but once I saw yukkuri abuse, I never looked back. I'm not a total monster, though, so I also enjoy yukkuris for their true adorableness factor, something jissous didn't have.

I hope you don't visit such uneasy websites anymore

Artistical said:
My first encounter with yukkuris was in gurochan, about year and a half ago. I loved the jissouseki threads, but once I saw yukkuri abuse, I never looked back. I'm not a total monster, though, so I also enjoy yukkuris for their true adorableness factor, something jissous didn't have.

I agree. Jissous is purely disgusting.

gay-pants said:
Startup failed :(

I think the developer stopped work on this early 2013 or late 2012 maybe?

developer was monhan aki. he has stopped updating and has dissapeared from the fandom altogether

Merciless_Anony said:
I agree. Jissous is purely disgusting.

It's true, but it was all I had in terms of "defenseless creature too stupid to live" abuse at the time. As I said, I never looked back. It's full yukkuri for me.

As for this game, I think it would be nice to have a translation, for completion's sake. OYP has translated pretty much every yukkuri game out there but this. It's a testament to the loyalty of the fandom, really. A really easy fandom (again, something Jissou didn't have).

Well, there were already almost complete translation. The menu is already easy to understand and the game, while very beautiful and was full of potential, is lack in gameplay aspect and any potential it has was dead.

Artistical said:
It's true, but it was all I had in terms of "defenseless creature too stupid to live" abuse at the time. As I said, I never looked back. It's full yukkuri for me.

As for this game, I think it would be nice to have a translation, for completion's sake. OYP has translated pretty much every yukkuri game out there but this. It's a testament to the loyalty of the fandom, really. A really easy fandom (again, something Jissou didn't have).

There's actually 1 or 2 games I know of that I never saw the community even attempt to translate, one of them is a factory game by the same dude who made this one and the other's a really weird yukkurarium game that looks like it was made in RPG maker or some crazy thing like that.

gay-pants said:
actually wait no the factory one was half translated I think?

It was, though not directly. There was a .txt file floating around that contained the instructions and menus translated. No idea where it is though.

And I have no idea about the RPG Maker yukkuri game. Have any links, Mister gay-pants?

gay-pants said:
actually wait no the factory one was half translated I think?

if your referring to the one where a reimu keeps giving birth on a conveyor belt ( post #42841 ) and you had to smash the kos to raise the stress and get more points, then no it hasn't been translated. I once tried to crack that one but it's made in a really obscure engine that I would have to look up again, It was not made in HSP. The other two games I can recall that do not have translations is post #58488 and post #55003 both are made in Wolf RPG maker and they can be De-compiled to source (I did succefully pull the source on the first one doubt it would be any different for the second).

Bystander said:
if your referring to the one where a reimu keeps giving birth on a conveyor belt ( post #42841 ) and you had to smash the kos to raise the stress and get more points, then no it hasn't been translated. I once tried to crack that one but it's made in a really obscure engine that I would have to look up again, It was not made in HSP. The other two games I can recall that do not have translations is post #58488 and post #55003 both are made in Wolf RPG maker and they can be De-compiled to source (I did succefully pull the source on the first one doubt it would be any different for the second).

That first one is the one I was talking about, the "RPG maker" one.

gay-pants said:
That first one is the one I was talking about, the "RPG maker" one.

Actually posted the decompiled source code on that one some time back.

password " yugyaku "

This is version 3.3 with the decompiled code and the editor. It is most likely outdated but I don't have the link to the newest version nor the decompiler at hand. Your welcome to take a crack at it. If I recall the biggest issue is that every thing is in fields and not raw code like the maricha game so the text strings are not easy to extract.

Edit: NVM here is 3.5
