One Yukkuri Place

Anybody Play Any Online Video Games?

Posted under General

I don't, not anymore, but your post made me think. Imagine an MMO, where it's a sandbox sort of game and the players are yukkuri. It'll simultaneously be the most frustrating yet fun game ever. You get to hurl insult and blame everything on others and act stupid, yet everything in the game universe can potentially be hazardous to you. FUND IT!

Vindictus only right now.

Mokomoko said:
I don't, not anymore, but your post made me think. Imagine an MMO, where it's a sandbox sort of game and the players are yukkuri. It'll simultaneously be the most frustrating yet fun game ever. You get to hurl insult and blame everything on others and act stupid, yet everything in the game universe can potentially be hazardous to you. FUND IT!

Thats been made already. Its called politics.

I have TF2 on this unit, but I haven't played for a long time. I'm more of a Spiral Knights player these days.

I hadn't played in a while, but now everybody has free accounts and i'm the best player on every server lol.
Gotta love the black knight

Err, now I'm playing Lord of the Rings Online. I have played lots of MMORPG and I can confidently say that is one of the best out there. And the lore is simply amazing, you should read the Silmarillion before playing it to enjoy it to the max. I have a lvl 54 minstrel

Used to play World of Warcraft (I was a lvl 85 pally tank - and a fairly decent one in my opinion), but quit a few months ago because of various reasons.

However, at the moment I'm playing Rift, and occasionally dabbling in LOTRO.