One Yukkuri Place



yukiyuzen said:
And thats why I said "they've been parodying themselves for decades as a result."

I'm not trying to bring logic into fiction, but when the "source material" is being parodied by its own industry, applying it outside of that niche is just going to cause confusion.

The thing is, this is actually portrayed in other media, and not just in Japanese manga and anime industry. The concept of "razor wires" is a staple in sci-fi and most fiction with unconventional portrayals of violence.

For instance, one application I always see is the idea of a wire trap, where a fine length of really strong wire is stretched at an area, decapitating or dismembering the mook that runs through it without seeing the trap. And no, this example was not from an anime.

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  • Matt said:
    They're painted like mountains? Yukkuri are pretty stupid.

    Plus the area appears to have a solid ceiling and not open skies, which means that the whole park is actually an indoor facility of sorts.

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  • CidHighwind said:
    Guncannon is more rounded. Its either a RX-78, or a GM.

    Plus the Guncannon is supposed to feature the twin cannons that give it its name. It's definitely a GM.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    Powered by Intel Patchouli.

    Nah, it won't work!

    Unless this is a form of educating yukkuri through injecting information directly to them. Their mouths are shut so they won't be shouting since the process is painful, but it may be effective after bearing with the pain.

    Not quite.

    Most likely, they're used as a form of external storage devices (a similar direction I'm thinking of adding to the fanfic I'm working on, besides tapping their matter-to-bean-paste-plus-energy conversion process as a form of energy). It's no way as efficient as USB devices, but it's a lot more entertaining...

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    A Joke derived by the fact of how the inhabitants of Eintei are hot chicks combined by Reisen's meme.

    And my statement is to point out that you have an upcoming appointment with Dr. Yagokoro. Hope you've set your affairs in order by then.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    In b4 "Eintei is just a chaotic little Lunarian Den, only good for their sex appeal."

    You may want to clarify that last statement.

    Fragtagonal said:
    This is unacceptable.

    Will this do?

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