One Yukkuri Place



Moral of this fiasco: when uploading images, always put down the link to the original in the Source column, or don't upload it at all. Saying "internet" or "image board" does not cut it.

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  • ThatOneGuy said:

    So much Meiling abyuse D:


    (Disclaimer: Countering abyuse with abyuse is never the best solution, but it's still the more entertaining option.)

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  • SHINOBI said:
    Nahh it's similar effect when human's brain is damaged or exposed.

    So for this waste of Life magic's case, no difference in behavior from when it's upper body was still intact.

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  • Deibu said:
    Mister vegetables are growing by themselves.

    Wasn't there an anko story that started out this way? This could be another one of m1's adaptions.

    BaronMind said:
    TL;DR: yukkuri logic isn't selfish. It's lazy. The same thing with a different motivation.

    Here's the thing--even when the lazy do not consider themselves selfish, laziness IS a form and expression of selfishness.

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