One Yukkuri Place



captperv said:

why else would she have shiny gems on her wings

Well, according to original touhou settings, those shiny things are philosopher stones that she collected.

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  • Marcos6986 said:

    No adventures, no challenges, no risks.

    Maricha, who did nothing, was able to die of old age, which is rare for a stray, but there was no one to watch her in her final moments.

    The corpse of Maricha, who died secretly behind the outdoor unit, did not return to the soil, was not eaten by animals, and was washed away by the rain that fell several days later.

    HeadpatsForNiceheads said:

    This is yet another fun Catch-22 in the yukkuri universe.

    If a yu tries to accomplish ANYTHING, be it going on adventures, raising a successful clan, or convincing a human to take it in as a pet, it's a delusional shitstain that deserves to feel agonizing pain for being arrogant & conceited.

    But if a yu tries to stay down and out of the radar of humans, it lives a miserable and silent life because it never took any risks.

    It really is impossible to feel satisfaction here, isn't it?

    Since yukkuri is the lowest liveform ever know, another to see tomorrow is the only easiness they can obtain i considered

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  • HeadpatsForNiceheads said:

    Takumi's works are like those chapters in manga where self-centered arrogant villains do terrible things to innocent people, all to make it more satisfying when the hero kills them later.

    Except with Takumi, the hero never comes.

    Perhaps it's 90% of reason why abuse comic were made
    I guess kiriraitaa is the only artist that can make a sane, kind person into a abuyser
    Like me first time read True happiness and find out how fun to see a innocent creature suffering make me feel good
    Or deep down every single one of us are animals love to see the pain, agony of the other as joy
    We just need some kind of justice to rationalize our sick pleasure.

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  • Also, "for Marisa's sake" is not quite right either but I couldn't figure a way to make it more accurate and sound good. She's really saying they'll take it easy enough for Marisa's share, which more strongly implies she died than "for Marisa's sake".

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  • While I appreciate the fan translation work that we do around here, it does bug me when it's mistranslated and then made into a translated page. And I know I only pop in once in a blue moon and it's not like I'm fluent in Japanese but I wish there were people around to double check these translations. On a previous page, Marisa says "don't take it easy and stick together" to her foot after she gets split apart. Not that that one was egregiously mistranslated but this page is pretty wrong.

    She says here: "Babies... Reimu's cute babies... I finally... finally gave birth to you... Marisa... For Marisa's sake... I'll take it easy with the babies lots... cute cute Reimu's babies... Take it easy..."

    Rather than Reimu thinking she'll finally die soon and be with the babies in death, Reimu is actually having a delusion or flashback of giving birth to the babies without Marisa (implying Marisa died) and deciding to do her best to take it easy with them without Marisa. The tragedy is the babies are all already dead.

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