One Yukkuri Place



Salem said:
They have no budget to add the sound effects post-pro, so

I find this a lot hilarious than I should.

JusticeItEasy said:
Hmmm, actually I think I recall what was Munch Munch from some yukkuri videos.

I think it was Musha-Musha or Mucha-Mucha, right?

I think I recall it as "mutya-mutya".

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  • FunkSoulBrother said:
    To be honest, I'm more confused about the motive for the murders so far.
    It seems unlikely that Imposter-risa commited the murders - because why the hell would she'd do that? - and Boss-risa should only be after the Imposter, and you'd THINK she knows what she looks like, being her doppelganger and all.

    I really hope noraaki will bring this series to a conclusion, because otherwise it'd be a real bummer.

    There's signs (if the artist intended them to be there) that a third party is present, and at work driving this clan to a tragic conclusion.

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  • danogoat said:
    We dabble in fictional bean bags abuse and you cant stomach fictional girls trolling?. Grow some spine.

    That a yukkuri is telling others to grow a backbone amuses me no end.

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  • PathOfAbuse said:
    For some reason I think there will be an even more shocking twist. Like maybe Reimu managed to get pregnant due to believing that Marisa was real.

    That would be nice, but wouldn't be as entertaining.

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