One Yukkuri Place



JusticeItEasy said:
In concept, but it's a rudimentary one, I think a Soldering Iron needs electricity, right?

This only needs the sculpting tool and a lighter, easy to use on the wild, at least compared to the soldering iron.

There's plenty of cordless portable ones out there in the real world right now. A simple search engine search will net you lots of models. Usually butane soldering irons but there's also battery powered pocket soldering irons. It's only a short leap for them to be used as abyuse instruments.

Of course, abyusers don't always have all the tools on hand in every situation, so a makeshift metal skewer and a lighter does the job just as well.

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  • She's going to have a lot of explaining to do with marisa's owner. Yes, that bawiza deserved to be punished, but there's the whole "destroying someone else's property" to consider. Maybe marisa's a silver badge pet?

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  • The only thing that comes to mind on viewing this page is "cumbucket" (sex_filling_bucket?).

    This still doesn't quite fit as a backstory on Miss Abeko's current predilection for bodied yukkuri (specifically bodied yukkuri that happens to resemble little girls).

    Since this is a flashback, maybe she's making up bean paste to justify her fetish to Satori?... Can't be, Satorin can read minds...

    PathOfAbuse said:
    This was a triumph

    Oh hell no. Unless this is for the porn industry.

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  • Burnout said:
    Actually, I think Chen was Patchouli's mate. In the bottom-left corner of the screen, it says "Yuu! Mother!"

    No, patchouli is meimu's mom. Check the very first page of this series.

    Gazebo's addendum might actually work.

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  • JusticeItEasy said:
    I think it was said before, but basically, that's a tool for sculpting adapted for abuse, "how" is it adapted? well by heating it up so it brings out extra pain than just the stab.

    Isn't that basically just a soldering iron?

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  • JusticeItEasy said:

    Agree the only good thing of that series was Saori. . .and maybe some porn. . .the rest is garbage. . .and Saori needs moar porn! ;A;

    It's disgustingly cute in the sweetly innocent way, so it's only natural they'd want to corrupt it. /kohaku

    Back off, Saori is mine.

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  • While we're in this topic, I just realized a tangent.

    Does this mean wachiki is actually an author avatar/personification/self-insert, and not some freak mutant hybrid? Would explain a lot of things... while adding more fuel to other speculations...

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