One Yukkuri Place



HankySpank said:
What's not to love about fashion? Surely OYP can appreciate the appeal of cute clothes on cute gi- heads.

Some people just aren't born city-sect I guess.

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  • ukshadow said:
    The guy normally does heinous guro. These drawings are of a far tamer nature than what he usually does.

    1) How do you know this and 2) Whhyyyd do you do this to me?

    copycat said:
    dammit haa
    not the parasites


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  • Something something those other yukkuris totally drown yukkuris, something something projecting, is my guess.

    Then again its also Minecraft, where hitting a lily pad at an speed above "slow walk" will probably destroy your boat. Last I played, at least.

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