One Yukkuri Place



heptoct said:
Suddenly I found it hilarious that we're arguing on habitat and biology of purely fictional characters.

If you really break it down they're not actually arguing about yukkuri, but rather who has the better opinion/perspective. Such a thing is nothing new for the touhou fandom in general.

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  • You guys do know that zun himself knows about the "everyone is gay" thing in the series and finds it funny. Thats why hes done nothing to dispel it. So get over it, it's not going away.

    JusticeItEasy said:
    Hell the only way to pair up Touhous with guys is to crossover and you may have to bear the "righteous" rage of yuritards.

    Thats not why they rage, crossovers are shit to begin with, let alone the shipping ones.

    Red_Ruin said:
    And on the subject of male Touhous, I think we don't see more of them is because ZUN can't draw guys. Hell, he can barely draw girls!

    I'd imagine thats the original reason considering some of the characters from the first game are arguably male("arguably" indeed since you can't tell what gender they are), but now its more of a purposeful defining characteristic and charm of the series.

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  • Goldenslaughterer said:
    And he'd also make a great villain. otaku neckbeard that jerks off to pictures he's drawn of children being tortured would make a good villian? To who, his landlord?

    danogoat said:
    cool trolling bro

    You're a nerd if you dislike people who like the thought of torturing little girls?

    I think you're confusing people that obsess over science and/or forms of media with people that have morals.

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  • Most(and by most I mean all but two) of the characters from the first game were retconed/forgotten at the second game.

    Probably because unlike most of the later characters, most of TH1's cast weren't based on mythological/theological beings, they were actual theological entities. Both final bosses being the prime example of this. Not to mention some of the characters were arguably male as the series hadn't developed its trademark attributes yet(such as being a "girls-only" club). All this adds up to a healthy helping of retcon at game two.

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  • ukshadow said:
    lol dnd

    Then as I said, it's not real evil. What you describe is merely a person with a different set of morals from others. One man's "evil" is another man's good and all that. You (and most others including ol' Gary there) are confusing petty selfishness with evil.

    Trying to label selfishness as evil is like saying those sparkly douches in that twilight series are vampires or that all rappers are "gangstas". In others words, its just some people throwing a label around trying to sound tough.

    But hey, its all semantics. If you guys want to say Bowser is evil or call a tomato a vegetable, whatever, have fun with that.

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  • ukshadow said:
    ...Evil Overlord...
    ...respect and kindness...

    Then you're not an "evil" overlord then, just a regular overlord.

    The point of being evil in general is to be irrationally illogically cruel and malicious to a point of self-destruction. True evil is destructive to everything including the one being evil.

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  • facepalm.jpg

    Ugh... why do so many people think that touhou is some kind of grimdark gore-fest? Seriously, what part of lolis competing with laser light shows sounds like Akira or Bladerunner to you?

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  • And that reminds me of a grip that I have, people taking everything in the series way too literally or grasping at straws and interpreting the characters' powers turning them into goofy overpowered god-modders. That alone isn't what gets me though, its the fact people then believe these awkward depictions to be dogma and canon that has me channeling Lewis Black.

    That "200 yojana in a flash" spellcard is just an embellished name. She's a full time servant/gardener in a place that probably isn't even that big, so I highly doubt she's ever even traveled 200 yojana let alone measured how fast she could do it.

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