One Yukkuri Place

Yukkuri Diary Updates and Discussions

Posted under General

Now if we could get a PC version....

I know JiE repeats himself but...isn't that how madness mantra works? You always repeat yourself +w+

Today I ran across this interesting feature, I don't know whether you guys already knew this or not.

If your yukkuri has some trauma or damage that causes it to cry non-stop and the usual "cuddling" cannot help, you either:

1. Feed your yukkuri with the large birthday cake. Put the yu and the cake in some corner and stay far away from them as much as possible. When the cake is gone, come and pick up the yukkuri. It's probably ok now.

2. You SLAP IT AT ONCE, and then try to cuddle the yukkuri. It will revert back to the happy state. Work everytime (I think).

Kinda reminds me that the pc version's link is down and I don't think bluesnow had updated it since that android update...feels bad...

I'm very baffled at why does BlueSnow disable the comment section of his videos? Afraid of criticism or "uneasy" comments?

Cute_Aggression said:

I'm very baffled at why does BlueSnow disable the comment section of his videos? Afraid of criticism or "uneasy" comments?

He actually got harrassed a lot by anti abyuse folk to the point that once he was considering pulling down the game completely.
The worse thing is that Blues is making sure this game can cater to any Yu fan as much as his programming allows it, even incluiding things like deactivating the prey and predator relationship with predator yu's and outright deactivate violence to make the game 100% FF.

And people harassed him for daring to actually have a "violent mode", disregarding he's attempting to make the game be playable in whatever way you want...

The game isn't even available from the play store anymore.
I only have it because I didn't uninstall it, though the APK can probably be found in those shady archive sites too.

EasyV said:

The game isn't even available from the play store anymore.
I only have it because I didn't uninstall it, though the APK can probably be found in those shady archive sites too.

Could you upload it somewhere so I don’t have to go searching them?

I can't extract the APK from my phone, so here is a link to a shady archive site:
https://apk[remove this]

Make sure you have a good ad/content blocker before going there.

Bluesnow hasnt said anything about the PC release. and he hasnt posted on his YouTube in a while...
Does anybody know what he's doing right now..?


DaMyon said:

Bluesnow hasnt said anything about the PC release. and he hasnt posted on his YouTube in a while...
Does anybody know what he's doing right now..?

An update had apparently come out in December, aside from that I don't see any new videos.

It's been a very long time since I've been active here but I felt like checking in on what the games are like now. Would you guys suggest this one or Breeding Observation? Or any other game? And where can I find the most recent pc build? I also downloaded the most recent version of Sim Yukkuri and am quite impressed with what you can do in that game now. I also feel an apology is due because I did say a long time ago I was working on a translation for that and I got through a good chunk of the dialog but then I sorta got too busy to finish it.

EasyV said:

The game isn't even available from the play store anymore.
I only have it because I didn't uninstall it, though the APK can probably be found in those shady archive sites too.

If you were lucky enough to have downloaded the game before he privated it, you can still redownload it at will by accessing your app history in the Play store. I just got a new phone and happened to be browsing my app history for stuff to reinstall and rediscovered Yukkuri Diary and Breeding Observation.

Also, what are the most recent versions for Diary and Breeding Observation? I have Diary 2020.a1 and Breeding 1.6c

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