One Yukkuri Place

Welcome to the new OYP

Posted under General

EasyV said:

FontAwesome is used for various symbols here and there.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose fonts are generally embedded and difficult to replace, and the effort vs benefit is minimal. Looks like it's also inside a suite of the css styles the library uses so it'd be a lot of work to tweak.

There were also tag-related issues and I think the frequent database problems where actually due to the test mode, but I don't have any conclusive data to support this suspicion.

The tag related issues were due to some migration scripts we used the 1st time around, when shifting from shimmie to danbooru. I think we had some characters that danbooru didn't like so we hacked it into the tags with an _ to replace the bad characters. That might've caused issues with how bulk edit/approve as well as some other issues.

DB issues (more famously the account page timing out) might've been because of test mode, but mostly it's due to psql dropping indexes so searches were slow and timing out. Now that you've upgrade psql to the latest version hopefully that's been fixed, but honestly that was a mystery we never solved.

Either way I guess as people mess around with the site we'll figure out what needs fixin.

I guess for remote fonts, the only way to stop it is to block it all like you're doing already and just download the ones you want locally. I think even just accessing the site (like you're doing right now) would lead to the browser using fontawesome. And I guess theoretically OYP is a remote site and we just use whatever comes out of the box mostly, so we don't exert a great deal of control over potential malicious fonts if its snuck in the source code. (though we can certainly try to fix it if the issue comes up)

Bottom line is, I think you're doing what's right for general browsing behavior, but I don't think we host anything malicious.

Captcha is enabled.
Aside from some hiccups during deploy I'm not experiencing any real new issue with the site so hopefully everything goes alright.

EasyV, this site upload system have something error.When I upload Pixiv's picture,Error window always pops up there。
This is error infomation:
error: PixivApiClient::Error - Pixiv API access token call failed (status=400 body={"has_error":true,"errors":{"system":{"message":"Missing parameters. \u0022username\u0022 and \u0022password\u0022 required","code":1508}}})

Are you trying to upload from an URL?
It is currently not supported.
You have to download the pictures and upload them as files.

I'm guessing there needs to be some account in order for us to pull directly from pixiv and the default danbooru deployment doesn't have it.

To be fair I could use my own, but I'd rather not.
It's more about the fact that I don't want to set up yet another account on yet another website.
Also these methods are unreliable since they have to be kept constantly up to date as the external site changes, but this is not the main reason why I'm not enabling it.

I think for the most part, requiring plain-text authentication to be embedded to pull data via an api is just a bad idea. There should be some sort of auth token that you can use as opposed to something that's basically a plain-text account being passed through. I haven't looked at it but it seems like it shouldn't be this ass backwards to pull images from pixiv through their api.

That being said would definitely not recommend using personal accounts to do this.

Edit: Well, it does look like you need a login to do it. Wonder how danbooru does it, whether it's just a dummy login or not.


poweryoga said:

I guess for remote fonts, the only way to stop it is to block it all like you're doing already and just download the ones you want locally. I think even just accessing the site (like you're doing right now) would lead to the browser using fontawesome. And I guess theoretically OYP is a remote site and we just use whatever comes out of the box mostly, so we don't exert a great deal of control over potential malicious fonts if its snuck in the source code. (though we can certainly try to fix it if the issue comes up)

Bottom line is, I think you're doing what's right for general browsing behavior, but I don't think we host anything malicious.

I have both Firefox and uBlock set to block all fonts, period. I started doing that because some sites had the bright idea of using (first-party) remote fonts to make the entire site look like ass in a can, and because Firefox is slower than a Deibu on a beanbag so I'm basically forced to block everything by default and whitelist the stuff I actually need. The security angle is just gravy (but nice to have).

My beef with FontAwesome is that it uses the Unicode Private Use area for all its glyphs, instead of using the existing Unicode mappings (99% of FontAwesome's junk is already in Unicode, as my last post shows) so it shows up as gibberish or number boxes in any other font. And that is a problem because everybody and their grandma (thanks, PhpBB 3) has started using it for basic functionality with no fallback.

So no remote fonts = no FontAwesome = zero usability on half the freaking internet.

...yunyaaa, where did mister soapbox come from!?

I'm not sure if it's just some new-account shenanigans, but when I click on the forums, the "New" clipart on threads keeps on showing up, even if I've read it before.

EDIT: I clicked on the Forum tab instead of previous-paging on my browser, and it works now. Sorry!

One of the new features introduced recently by Danbooru is the ability to add the site to the list of search engines used by the browser.
Basically, after adding it, you can search the site from the search bar (or whatever your browser uses) instead of navigating to the site first.
The search is only for posts and will use tags. In fact, the "special characters" that can be used in the site's search box will work the same (e.g. prefixing a tag with "-" will exclude posts with that tag from the results.)

Refer to your browser's documentation to see how to use this feature. I've already added it and it's pretty cool ;)

Speaking of new features, I noticed OYP doesn't display the uploader in the sidebar anymore, only the approver. The only way to find out who uploaded something now seems to be to click "Tags" under "History". What's up with that?

EDIT: I just noticed the latest Danbooru seems to have reverted this change, so maybe it wasn't intentional?


Yeah we inherited that from Danbooru.
I hardly change the UI since it's fairly difficult if you don't know the code.
Next update cycle will bring us to what Danbooru has now.

No worries then. It seemed like a weird thing to remove so I thought it might be a glitch or a bad setting or something.

BaronMind said:

No worries then. It seemed like a weird thing to remove so I thought it might be a glitch or a bad setting or something.

For what is worth sometimes the Danbooru guys do strange stuff, so it's unclear if things are bugs or features sometimes.

Heh, yeah. Danbooru is strange in general. But that's why we like it, right?

I did a bit of sniffing around their forums and I think they removed the uploader name to try to dissuade uploaders from being overly competitive. But it didn't work, and it's annoying, so they added it back. Or something like that.

Semi-offtopic, they've also just revised their rules, including among other things formalizing the ban on yukkuri abuse, citing "OYP trolls". Having caught some of the posts in question I'm 99.9999999% sure they were all the work of one particular asshole we kicked out five years ago for doing exactly the same thing here. I'm not going to name him since he seems to get a kick out of his infamy but if anyone from Danbooru is reading this, he is not representative of OYP. We may be insane but most of us do take our meds. =)

Another neat new feature: if you hover over user names, you get a little window showing some infos about the user and other stuff.

! 2018-04-29
! I hate tooltips
! ||*?variant=tooltip

! 2020-07-17
! I still hate tooltips

! 2020-07-26
! I really fuckin' hate tooltips

(Posted as a funny, not a complaint. My uBlock filter list really does have the above in it though.)

I noticed we got the uploader back too. Does this mean we're only a week or so behind the latest now?

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