One Yukkuri Place

Yukkuri Diary Updates and Discussions

Posted under General

Yuk diary still available in thai play store lasted version is 2020 a1 ( but breeding observation is not )

aozf05 said:

It's been a very long time since I've been active here but I felt like checking in on what the games are like now. Would you guys suggest this one or Breeding Observation? Or any other game? And where can I find the most recent pc build? I also downloaded the most recent version of Sim Yukkuri and am quite impressed with what you can do in that game now. I also feel an apology is due because I did say a long time ago I was working on a translation for that and I got through a good chunk of the dialog but then I sorta got too busy to finish it.

If you were lucky enough to have downloaded the game before he privated it, you can still redownload it at will by accessing your app history in the Play store. I just got a new phone and happened to be browsing my app history for stuff to reinstall and rediscovered Yukkuri Diary and Breeding Observation.

Also, what are the most recent versions for Diary and Breeding Observation? I have Diary 2020.a1 and Breeding 1.6c

I have the same versions but I got Breeding Observation from another site because it wasnt on the playstore.

Tisa said:

I have the same versions but I got Breeding Observation from another site because it wasnt on the playstore.

And regard to yu games on pc, I would suggest this one if you want cool effects or playing on mobile instead, you also have a lot of yu games on mobile that are simple time wasters but they're ok, there is even a ragdoll achievement sort of clone which is cool, and also check the maricha game that has a free demo, there also is yukkuri jungle but its more of an rpg.

And to respond with another answer, does anyone know how to get bodied yus in Breeding Observation? I saw one once on a video and on the christmas stage there are a lot but once you bring them home they turn into normal ones.

Ah I misremembered. I was working on translating Eight Views (the Maricha game) around v1.65. I just downloaded the final demo and translation patch, saw the patch was incomplete, now I'm sorta working on it on and off. That game is fun.

This was mentioned 4 years ago, but I happened to rediscover it now. I had an aquatic reimu dying of old age on me (I didn't know why at the time, but after reading the forum I assume it's because her lifespan was drained due to constantly having babies with the aquatic marisa I also have) so I decided to just take her to that pit outside the house and let her die there.

I tried giving her cake as her last meal, and to my surprise, she had basically fully recovered with her health no longer draining, restoring to full health at a rapid rate. It turns out that cake can basically restore a yukkuri's lifespan meter, even when she's on the verge of death. So, theoretically, if you keep feeding a yukkuri cake every time they start to die of old age, they could essentially live forever. I don't know if this works on other foods, but cake is one hell of a resuscitator.

Also, I fed a reimu a shitload of cakes yesterday and she grew to the size of the house. Eventually she was getting on my nerves so I burned and kicked her back to normal size and kept her in the yukkurarium in the room with the fridge.

There's a new upload on bluesnow's channel showcasing the new Reimu model (in what I assume to be Summer Vacation) and comparing it to the one from Yukkuri Diary and I gotta say, it's so gosh darn cyute!!!!! Definitely an upgrade to the old one which I gotta admit looks uncanny at first glance. It has so many new features and has actually expressive facial flexes for proper lip syncing!!! It looks absolutely stunning, I can't wait for what's to come.

On a side note, I discovered that predators don't attack (or attempt to attack) non-predator yukkuri if that yukkuri is their parent, even if they're rank C! I had a rank C remilia born to a Reimu and she didn't attack the Reimu at all (I assumed it was because the Reimu had a Flandre hat but i switched to her regular bow and she still wasnt attacked,) usually even smaller predator yukkuri will attempt to attack yukkuri bigger than them, although it fails and they get attacked back. So I guess there actually is some system of yukkuri recognizing their parents and their family in general! That doesn't explain the incest however.

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