One Yukkuri Place

Jojobizarro's necro-ing

Posted under General

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Okay, We(me and one or two others) have repeatedly asked this guy(user name: Jojobizarro) to stop necroing ancient images, and even told him to use the "post without bumping" button if he feels he HAS to say something, yet he has not listened.

Since it seems normal members asking nicely isn't getting through to this guy, maybe an admin asking/warning him to cut it out will have more of an effect?

Updated by poweryoga


Requesting Ban to my Sense of Decency, so I can do crazier shit with even less standars and with no restriction outside of the rules!

kurutto-kun said:
two things:
1) I thought we only had one rule

Tecnically now we have 2:
1) Ye Olde "No Anti Abyuse in Abyuse and not Anti FF in FF" or "No Violent comments on FF"
2) Ye Newe "Don't be a phallic member (Dick)"

kurutto-kun said:
2) considering what we have, when the hell did we got standars?!

We got standars when the most rabid members of the opposite camps proved themselves crazier than 90% of the anons in the yukkuri works, so as non rabid "abyusers/lovers" we started to use some standars in OYP to avoid being like the Crazies of each camp. Of course those standars are behaviour standars and very basic ones but standars are standars...

Anyway, back to the topic, don't ban people for silly things, I may not like massive necroing, but I don't think Jojo reached of point of being highly disruptive with it like to worth any ban.

kurutto-kun said:
two things:
1) I thought we only had one rule
2) considering what we have, when the hell did we got standars?!

We don't really have a rule. Its more like an unspoken thing that you only know about if you've been here since it was put in place or you unwittingly break it (because its not actually said anywhere) and JIE shows up to lecture you about what a horrible noob you are for missing the obvious little thing everyone else here knows along with a History of OYP Just In Case You Wanted to Know Everything Except Where to Find The Rules.

We've also got a second rule too: if you're new, don't post on anything the old guard hasn't posted on because then *your* comments will push *their* comments off the top of the comments page.

JusticeItEasy said:

2) Ye Newe "Don't be a phallic member (Dick)"

So it's totally a-ok to be a total cunt then? News to me.

It does make sense, though.

starshine said:
We don't really have a rule. Its more like an unspoken thing that you only know about if you've been here since it was put in place or you unwittingly break it (because its not actually said anywhere)

Each comment section of each pic has a message that says:
"Before commenting, read the how to comment guide."
With the last part being a direct link to that "how to comment".

Of Course I still abide to the idea that we need a reminder in the front post page or something for those who miss the "how to comment".

By the way you will find the real 2nd rule in that "how to comment", though I do wonder where did you get that idea of a 2nd rule, It doesn't sound like it's related to OYP, maybe you are mixing forum rules from somewhere else?

Skribulous said:
So it's totally a-ok to be a total cunt then? News to me.

It does make sense, though.

Alas, that's sadly something that is missing my friend, we really need a rule that also includes not being a vulva, and since we are at it, one about not being a buttock orifice.

Don't ban Jojo for silly things he isn't that bad
Starshine the rules are the "how to comment" guide now stop beign silly
Since rules don't allow being a dick, we should also prohibite being a cunt or an assholes.

Hope that settle everything, now to the next thread!

Common rules of etiquette shouldn't have to be enforced.

No banning for necroing, it's frowned upon but have any of you guys sent him a message first?

poweryoga said:
Common rules of etiquette shouldn't have to be enforced.

No banning for necroing, it's frowned upon but have any of you guys sent him a message first?

I did, actually.
No reply so far.

FunkSoulBrother said:
I did, actually.
No reply so far.

I just got your message, FSB. I’ll start paying attention to post dates and using the “post without bumping” more often.

I’m not trying to start any trouble here, but I really think the “How to comment” page needs to be a lot more specific. “Don’t be a dick” doesn’t really tell me anything of value. The only specific rule was about violent comments on family-friendly pics.

Already, though, I’m starting to feel unwelcome here with all this talk about banning me.


I think the problem is that we use the comments instead of the forum to discuss things.
People probably wouldn't be as upset if lots of bumping wouldn't push back recent discussions.

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