One Yukkuri Place

Tag alias/merge: Multiple artists

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The Danbooru system doesn't like it when you use non-English characters like ē or 香港焼きそば.

And isn't "aki" just supposed to mean "artist"?

yukiyuzen said:
The Danbooru system doesn't like it when you use non-English characters like ē or 香港焼きそば.

I'm highly aware of that, but the translator I used when trying to translate pet-aki's "official" name gave me that "ē". I'm assuming that it means the "e" is silent when pronouncing the word. Simply using a normal "e" in it's place would fix the problem.

After putting 香港焼きそば trough the translator it gives me "honkon_yakisoba" as a result. I'll correct it with the translated name now.

yukiyuzen said:
And isn't "aki" just supposed to mean "artist"?

Yeah though some of the established artist on OYP has the "aki" part like a separate part/word.

bio changed, unknown6 now sasokawa. Not going to add more spaces for lovelyperonperonaki... it's not that bad.

Also not going to use anything besides english characters, don't want to be breaking anything.

Going to change pet-aki to bejiyuaki and tanmen to honkon_yakisoba.

All of these are straight up tag changes, not aliases. Traditionally I have never added aliases once the names have been switched.

I've added aliases to the name changes but not changing lovelyperonperonaki or adding one for unknown6. All of the artist_* tags will be edited instead of aliased as its the right way to go.