One Yukkuri Place

Official SimYukkuri Thread [Current Release in OP]

Posted under General

the impact death thing is fixed in my code
the licking and pathfinding/objective finding in general is fixed in my code
Nothing removes stalks yet, thats coming as soon as I finish some code.

To add on my previous post, the family of niceheads see no problem in eating their dead babies/sisters.

Guys, what should be the results of removing a yukkuri from its parent's stalk in different situations? I'm not really sure what the canon points to here?

Eternity said:
Guys, what should be the results of removing a yukkuri from its parent's stalk in different situations? I'm not really sure what the canon points to here?

IIRC, removing equals baby-yu death UNLESS you put the stalk in orange juice? At least, that seems to be pretty commonly accepted.

It receives nutrients from the stalk, so it just withers and die since he wasn't 'ready' to be born (and not ready to munch munch etc).


Eternity said:
What about removing it from the stalk, btu leaving the stalk attached to the mother?

I think it usually results in the baby-yu's death-- they get their nutrition from the stalk, and without it, they wither and die. There's at least one series that shows that.

The stalk itself could wither and fall off eventually; or be yanked off (causing damage) or neatly trimmed off (tears over the loss of the babies, but no other harm)?

but, you can also put the stalk back on, or in sugar water to keep the nutrients coming.
I'd sudgest that when you put the not-ready yukkuris on a orange pool, they become ready to birth.
Because i put a stalk-yukkuri on a orange pool. It turned into an adult... withered.. and died. :U

If I did that, then giving unborn yukkuri orange juice would wake them up and possibly have very odd effects.

Eternity- for the Japanese/livedoor version, please make the "yukkuri adding" alert a lot bigger. Because i can't acess what kind of yukkuri i want. :U

Eternity said:
If I did that, then giving unborn yukkuri orange juice would wake them up and possibly have very odd effects.

Fortunately, your version of odd usually means "hilarious and bizarre".

you know it's a good update when the first line of the changelog is 'broke <something>' and the following is '<bug> has not been fixed

EDIT: did you implement some sort of STD? I drugged a rude reimu, burned her feet and removed her mouth, then used a Marisa to create stalks.
Marisa died after refreshing.
I spawned another Marisa see what happened, same deal.
Spawned a Patchy, death by refreshing.

So I spawned a Marisa and an Alice, they had no problems refreshing. I sent the Marisa to refresh with STD Reimu, she died as expected. Alice was a rapist, and right after that went for Reimu. She created various stalks and kept refreshing, so I was confused since she did not die... at first. After refreshing enough, she died aswell.

What the fuck.

EDIT 2: I think it may be the side effect of drugs but for some reason it's instant kill when they have burned feet.


Wait, was the Reimu a super shithead?, did you use Anko on her?

I'm pretty sure the Reimu just went all black widow and ate the husband because the stalk made her hungry, and then proceeded to eat anyone else who went near her, if you gave her enough time, she'd eat anyone else nearby.

Well this sure is interesting.... eh, its a feature, not a bug... heh.. yeah...


I did not give her anko, also I think anko isn't working anymore (it was @247e), further testing (with 3 more reimus and 1 marisa) led me to suggest it was the effect of drugs + burnt feet causing the ability to one shot anyone.

Newest version is always the media fire link in the first post

Adding lots of stuff to the code now, ze!

Broke all the constructors now, ze!


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