One Yukkuri Place

Want to take it easy with mister RPG!

Posted under General

The last attempt we had at a yukkuri RPG (the tabletop kind, see forum #3776) died immediately after I joined. I'm still not sure that was entirely coincidence... but I do think it was a great idea.

Since FunkSoulBrother ran out of steam and nobody else has offered, I thought I might give it a shot. How hard can it be? I've got a few ideas for it, but the big question is, would I have any players?

Who wants a second go at a yukkuri RPG?

Updated by starshine

I've tried RPGs before and those sessions never went well (I get all weirdly self conscious), but I'd be interested.

I'm in the process of making a yukkuri game. Maybe we could turn it into a 3D RPG game?

post #59238

Theres nothing in it but yukkuris walking around slowly and eating right now.

Um, we're talking about the tabletop kind of RPG here. =)

(Not that a computer RPG isn't a great idea too. Although personally I'm waiting for a yukkuri version of Dwarf Fortress. There's the yukkuri from Suika Fortress, but they're just not the same.)

Well, when you say RPG the first thing that comes to my mind is something like final fantasy. If I hadn't checked the previous RPG attempt you mentioned I would have thought you meant something like a videogame.

if there was a yukkuri video game rpg it would have to be like pokemon. except, instead of battles, it's abuse sessions. the "strongest" yukkuris can suffer tremendous abyuse without vomiting or getting antiyukkuriitis (or whatever it's called)

I really should have made the OP clearer. Sorry about that.

I'm not familiar with the 'Bunnies & Burrows' ruleset used in the last RP, or anything else that would really be suitable for yukkuri. I'm a better storyteller than a GM anyway, so I'm planning on running it more like a multi-character CYOA than anything else. Which is more or less what FSB was doing: very little mention of stats, and a strong focus on roleplay and problem-solving over combat.

The scenario I have in mind is fairly straightforward: a wilderness setting with little or no human presence. There are five yukkuri clans, each with their own Dosu and characteristics. I can either make the story out of clan-building/inter-clan conflict or I can use it as a tutorial to a more traditional quest, depending on how it works and what the players prefer.

I've only sketched a general outline so far so if you'd rather see something else go ahead and suggest it.

You could have, you know. Wouldn't be at all out of place around here. =)

Anyway, it doesn't look like there's much interest in another RP. If Zidana and EternalSpiral are still up for it I guess we can go ahead with only two players. Maybe someone else will join in late like I did.

If not, well, it was worth a try.


Okay... one player is pushing it. Time to call it quits.

Still, if the idea ever comes up again you can count me in!

Problem is, some people dont have time anymore. Arent there special engines for this kinda of RPGs? Like you set up parameters and then everyone connects to a client or whatever.

If the problem is people not having time, how is a special service going to help? For that matter, what advantages do they offer over playing on a forum?

...I guess if I'm asking that kind of thing I probably shouldn't have made the suggestion. I've never tried running an RP online before; I was basing my expectations off FSB's game. I don't think I could handle much more than one round a week anyway.

BaronMind said:
The last attempt we had at a yukkuri RPG (the tabletop kind, see forum #3776) died immediately after I joined. I'm still not sure that was entirely coincidence... but I do think it was a great idea.

I assure you, it had nothing to do with you :D

Part of the reason for me dropping the game were the problems I was having with fitting the Bunnies&Burrows premise onto the mess that is yukkuri fanon, especially since I knew I'd have to force my own worldbuiling on my players in an attempt to make the Yukkuriverse playable.

I still think the rabbits from B&B are a good fit for yukkuri, but if I gave it another try, I'd probably use a rules-light universal system like FATE or something; or maybe even do it without any system at all.
(BTW, Bunnies&Burrows was a 3rd edition GURPS module)

I MIGHT be up for another go as GM, although I can't make any promises yet.
We could certainly do an experimental freeform RP here on the forum, just like last time, and see where it goes.
Heck, if you prefer storytelling, you could write up a storyline and I'll run it for you, or we could try to combine my ideas and yours. I'd like to keep humans in the setting though, at least somewhere in the background; human-yukkuri interaction is a bit too big to just throw out, IMHO.

Take it easy mister FunkSoulBrother!

I thought it felt a bit off using B&B, to be honest. I was going to go without a system because I don't think a traditional RP ruleset would really fit. When I said I prefer storytelling I just meant that I would rather focus on the words than the numbers.

I can PM you the details of storyline I had planned if you want them. I'm not sure how useful they'd be to you, since my yukkuri headcanon seems to be very different to yours, but I'm always happy to talk story.

BaronMind said:
Take it easy mister FunkSoulBrother!

Thanks :) I'm back :D

I thought it felt a bit off using B&B, to be honest. I was going to go without a system because I don't think a traditional RP ruleset would really fit. When I said I prefer storytelling I just meant that I would rather focus on the words than the numbers.

To each his own, for me it was more a case of 'Well, if I HAD to make an RPG out of this, what system would I use?'.
Besides, I really wanted to give B&B a try, but had no one to play it with, so ... yeah.
Also, I felt that because the bunnies in B&B are in a similiar situation as yukkuri - small, weak creature who can only survive by running away and not too smart in the large scheme of things either - using a system that is set up to deal with many of the same problems and situations that would arise in a game of adventuring yukkuri only seemed natural.

I can PM you the details of storyline I had planned if you want them. I'm not sure how useful they'd be to you, since my yukkuri headcanon seems to be very different to yours, but I'm always happy to talk story.

Well, who around here doesn't have their own peculiar ideas about yukkuri SHOULD work? ;)
Don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll be able to compromise. Just send it over and I'll give it a look.
And please give a summary of what you would have done differently in my RP (also by PM, please). I think that's the easiest way of hammering out where our headcanon differs.

Just use Fate Accelerated (or Fate could work I guess). Rename the Approaches to something like Strongly, Sneakily, Quickly and Easily or whatever. If you want to go high-lethality, remove stress boxes and stick to consequences (or vice versa? Probably not). Maybe treat the clan or next or whatever as an Extra.

I dunno, I didn't spend much time on this. Mostly.

Or, Comedy Option: Apocalypse World hack!