One Yukkuri Place

Other Abuses?

Posted under General

I'm just curious.

Except for yukkuri abuse, anyone here is into other abuse stuff?

Of course, not humans or other real animals, but fictitious creatures, like yukkuris.

I just found some little ponies abuse.

Not a fan of it yet, but it looks interesting.

They way they speak is just like yukkuri accent.

Updated by poweryoga

AbyuseAddict said:
I'm just curious.

Except for yukkuri abuse, anyone here is into other abuse stuff?

Of course, not humans or other real animals, but fictitious creatures, like yukkuris.

I just found some little ponies abuse.

Not a fan of it yet, but it looks interesting.

They way they speak is just like yukkuri accent.

Don't bully Fluttershy!

Anyways, I'm sure there are a lot of this sort of thing around the internet. There is a phenomena called "cute agression" where the cuteness of a creature triggers a violent impulse.

For example (this is an actual quote):

A random person on the internet said:
Oh my goodness. When I stroke kittens I feel like I want to grab them by the tail, swing them around a bit, and throw them out the window, then CRUSH them until they explode. =] Because they’re Soooooooo cutttee! (P.S. I love cats though, I would never do that).

There's always Jissouseki. There's a million and one stories about them, and I've seen a game where you cook the Jissou Grubs.

EllaLuxe said:
There's always Jissouseki. There's a million and one stories about them, and I've seen a game where you cook the Jissou Grubs.

I'm still looking for one of our translators here who would be interested in translating parts of that game...

I actually have no idea. If there's any cute fictional creatures that I want to see abused, chances are no one else does.

alphawulf95 said:
Anyways, I'm sure there are a lot of this sort of thing around the internet. There is a phenomena called "cute agression" where the cuteness of a creature triggers a violent impulse.

For example (this is an actual quote):

I get that exact reaction from guinea pigs. I'm slightly bonkers about the furry little critters - in a good way, of course!

The thought of abuse squicks me out. Even with yukkuri my intial reaction was "eww nope that is just WROOONG". I'm not sure what let me stomach it - something about their bizarre psychology and the absurdity of them being made of confectionery.

Sorry for being so squeamish. >_<

EllaLuxe said:
There's always Jissouseki. There's a million and one stories about them, and I've seen a game where you cook the Jissou Grubs.

I've never seen a website for Jissouseki like OYP though. I've only ever seen bits and pieces of them.

I would imagine also seeing some Kyubey abuse, but, given the circumstances, that wouldn't really constitute as "abuse" anyway, come to think of it.

A read a bit about fluffy ponies, i'm no fan of mlp, but these are kinda interesting. They seem more dumb then rude unlike yukkuris who are rude and very sure of themselves.