One Yukkuri Place

suggestion: OUR relay manga (2011)

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Fragtagonal said:
What did I say?
Was it that I wish I had made my username Crab Nicholson? Cause that sounds like me.

Okay, that made me crack up hard.
But no, it was the fact that you said "there are people trying to put in their own characters and make too many twists" so I've been putting that into consideration. Also, I'm planning to start a series of my own, so...sorry, I might be out...

Sorry guys. I'll be a little late. Got something I wanna try and do today. Hopefully I can actually finish it.

Just want to update the status of certain people so I want you all listed to check in:

You guys on a break or are you out?

SUN - break
Frag - out(?)
Dano - out (?)
TSM~ - out (?)
Fly - 1turn break

Now where in the world did you disappear off to?

Are you almost finished? I don't think Dano's started yet so if you are then you're back up.

On another note, do say something if you're going to be late. I still want to keep this to around 2-3 days if possible.

I dissapeared into some kind of family hardship hole. believe me, I can make a story out of this. I'm sorry I'm working and I feel terrible guys. Life hasn't been easy to me these days

Wait so given the problems you're having with your friend does that mean you'll be doing the next submission Dano?

Well I'm out for the weekend so if anyone else want to do the next page then leave something here to let people know. Otherwise...I guess I'll go once I'm back? Though that would defeat the idea of a relay comic imo.

Sorry guys, I'm on vacation from Thursday to Wednesday and I wont have my computer. Won't be able to do that next pake >|T

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