One Yukkuri Place

Eight Views of Yukkuri Discussion/Translation Thread

Posted under General

This is a thread for Eight Views of Yukkuri (Yukkuri Hakkei), a game based around raising your pet Yukkuri in a Yukkurarium. It has plenty of family friendly and abyuse options, so there's something for everybody! It is also probably the only Yukkuri game in active development right now, and certainly the best in terms of polish and presentation.

You can find the most recent downloads here. It updates every Thursday usually:

ATTN: Your computer will need to be in Japanese Locale in order for the game to extract properly.

The dev's blog is here:

His twitter is here and he occasionally posts pictures of updates he's working on:

My original script translation (Current as of 1.32):

Darksnow13's script (Current as of 1.58)

Perpetually updated script translation repository (Thank you EasyV!)

More up to date translation, covering both the final version of the no-cost edition and the paid version:

A partial translation of the images can be found here:

To install both, just drag and drop into the root directory of the game and replace the existing files, then run セリフ再読込用.exe before playing the game.

The menu is unfortunately untranslated ingame as of now, but a manual/menu translation can be found here:

Features include:
>Raising either a Marisa or Reimu
>Watching them grow from a little one to an adult
>Having them raise their own family and interact with each other
>Teaching them skills like potty training and how to hunt
>Feeding them gourmet food (or trash)
>Putting on pet clothes and swinging them in the air
>Giving them toys, treasures, and a little easy house to live in
>Interacting with them in several ways such as lifting them in the sky or rolling them on the ground
>Disciplining the scumminess out of them and making them smarter and more affectionate
>Destroying their accessories or hair
>Having fun with needles, hammers, rotors, and an open flame
>Testing the limits of how uneasy they can truly be
>Taking walks in the park and playing with wild Yukkuri

Updated by EasyV

I updated the manual, now the food section is complete:
Any comment is appreciated

GNU/Hurdz said:

>Taking walks in the park and playing with wild Yukkuri

Due to events I haven't been able to play the game for a while
Is this a new feature where you take your yukkuri outside, or is it the existing menu option "outside", just worded differently?

EasyV said:
Due to events I haven't been able to play the game for a while
Is this a new feature where you take your yukkuri outside, or is it the existing menu option "outside", just worded differently?

It's the wording, you can't take your "domesticated" yukkuri outside, the outside menu still is the same from what i've seen, you can still toss them food or smash/kick them

Wow 1.18 is buggy as shit. The yus freeze when they poo and adult Marisa's sprite is glitched out as fuck, among other things. Stick with 1.17. The translation is the same.

Also, I keep discovering new shit about this game. Turns out Marisa can ask you to pick her up and bring her to the slide and gets mad if you ignore her. I never noticed this before, mostly because those lines haven't been translated yet (and because I spend an admittedly small amount of time doing nicehead things). Also, newspaper greatly increases the safe fall distance and makes you unable to use a Yu as a brown crayon anymore. I wonder what property soil has?

GNU/Hurdz said:

Turns out Marisa can ask you to pick her up and bring her to the slide and gets mad if you ignore her.

Pretty sure it happens when she's spoiled
Like when she asks for seconds or sweet-sweets after eating
And she's always mad when you ignore her for anything, I never saw her sad or something
I believe the correct action is to scold her

GNU/Hurdz said:

(and because I spend an admittedly small amount of time doing nicehead things)

As someone who tries to actually raise that yukkuri, I can tell you it's really boring, unfortunately
There's not much going on most of the time, aside from seeing Marisa do stretch-stretch
Toys have more action, but if you give them too early she might get spoiled and then it's a pain

Unrelated, but does anyone know how long it takes for her to go from ko to adult?

EasyV said:

As someone who tries to actually raise that yukkuri, I can tell you it's really boring, unfortunately
There's not much going on most of the time, aside from seeing Marisa do stretch-stretch
Toys have more action, but if you give them too early she might get spoiled and then it's a pain

Yeah, I tried putting every single item in the yukkurarium in a game and hoping to see her rotate between every single one, but she just ignored the vast majority of them other than the treasures and the TP roll, and occasionally the Reimu doll. She got constipated once but completely ignored the water bottle for the most part. I'm not even sure the leaves work anymore cuz I've never seen it in action. Ultimately it turns into a loop of being hungry then pooping and being hungry again. It's a good thing the abyuse is so well thought out.

EasyV said:

Unrelated, but does anyone know how long it takes for her to go from ko to adult?

31 in game days, which is pretty much unfeasible without using debug. Hopefully the dev changes it to something more usable like 7 days after all the features have been added and play testing starts, though he did say he has features planned all the way into 2018, like breeding and fighting (the latter of which I'm very excited for).

Speaking of debug, I was hoping there would be a "spoiled" stat in there but there's nothing really obvious. I'm hoping maybe there's something in this big block of text:


But I can't begin to understand what that does. Could you figure out what these do?

First of all, I managed to add screenshots to the manual
Now it's a zip because the pictures are in a separate folder

GNU/Hurdz said:

31 in game days

That's a lot ;_;

GNU/Hurdz said:

he has features planned all the way into 2018, like breeding and fighting

I always liked games where you can breed creatures
Though hopefully by then we get at least Alice or Patche, I don't want to breed Reimu and Marisa forever

GNU/Hurdz said:

But I can't begin to understand what that does. Could you figure out what these do?

Not really for everything, but since you managed to transcribe the kanji (how did you do that? I can't even read them), we can probably guess something from their meaning

  • 元飼いゆ補正
    • 元 = origin, source, cause
    • 飼いゆ = pet yu(kkuri)
    • 補正 = correction, revision
  • 野良数補正
    • 野良 = stray
    • 数 = quantity, amount
    • 補正 = correction, revision
  • 対人恐怖補正
    • 対人 = interpersonal
    • 恐怖 = fear, terror
    • 補正 = correction, revision
  • 野良かしこさ補正
    • Given that 野良 = stray and かしこさ = intelligence, here I believe is the amount of the average intelligence of the stray yukkuri found outside
  • 野良なつき度補正
    • Like before, 野良 = stray and なつき度 = attachement (as in, how much the yukkuri loves you), so we can assume it's how much strays love you when you pick them up, or something
  • 野良ゲス度補正
    • ゲス = scum is enough to tell us this is the level of garbage found outside
  • 野良舌肥え補正
    • 野良 = stray
    • 舌 = tongue
    • 肥え = grow fat, be fertile, be refined (palate), be rich
    • 補正 = correction, revision
      • With some imagination I think this is how much spoiled stray yukkuri's tastebuds are, like if it's low, they'll go happiness with normal food, if it's high they don't

GNU/Hurdz said:
Yeah, I tried putting every single item in the yukkurarium in a game and hoping to see her rotate between every single one, but she just ignored the vast majority of them other than the treasures and the TP roll, and occasionally the Reimu doll. She got constipated once but completely ignored the water bottle for the most part. I'm not even sure the leaves work anymore cuz I've never seen it in action. Ultimately it turns into a loop of being hungry then pooping and being hungry again. It's a good thing the abyuse is so well thought out.

I think the behavior of yukkuris have been modified quite much among different versions as I remembered. In my game seesions of the earlier versions, yukkuris often play on the trampoline, but in recent versions they seems to be possessed with the slide, will continue to slide time and time again, saying something like "I want to slide more" and ignoring the trampoline at all. Also in all the versions I played, I hardly remember if any yukkuri touched that ball (the first one of the toy item) and I have no clue how does that work.

EasyV said:Pretty sure it happens when she's spoiled
Like when she asks for seconds or sweet-sweets after eating

I do hope in the future the game will show more about how the spoiling mechanism work, I have no clue how that work. It's not obvious like scum stat.

But I don't think asking for more food can be considered as a merely bad behavior, as a yukkuri of low scum stat will say that because it is still hungry after eating. I tried to fed one yukkuri with very low scum stat manually, and it asked for more food, at that time its "Feed/ hungry" stat after feeding was still around 80, a relative low value, indicated that it was still hungry; Then after one more feeding, it thanked for the food and behaved generally happy after that, and at that time its "Feed/ hungry" stat was about 200. Also it never asked for sweets as far as I remember.


worstluck said:

I hardly remember if any yukkuri touched that ball (the first one of the toy item) and I have no clue how does that work.

I remember seeing a Marisa playing with a ball, but right now I'm not sure if it was this game or another one
If it was with this, it was something like version 1.14 or earlier

worstluck said:

I do hope in the future the game will show more about how the spoiling mechanism work, I have no clue how that work. It's not obvious like scum stat.

I believe it's an independent set of values (i.e. more than one)
For example, a good yukkuri can still go "so so" on normal yukkuri food because her tastebuds are spoiled, or a yukkuri that has learned how to use the toilet might refuse to carry the poo poo if there's an accident (it happened to me many versions ago, I don't know if things have changed since then)

worstluck said:

But I don't think asking for more food can be considered as a merely bad behavior, as a yukkuri of low scum stat will say that because it is still hungry after eating. I tried to fed one yukkuri with very low scum stat manually, and it asked for more food, at that time its "Feed/ hungry" stat after feeding was still around 80, a relative low value, indicated that it was still hungry; Then after one more feeding, it thanked for the food and behaved generally happy after that, and at that time its "Feed/ hungry" stat was about 200. Also it never asked for sweets as far as I remember.

Asking for sweets is sign of bad behaviour, but admittedly asking for seconds is a grey area
If you don't give the yukkuri enough food, asking for more is not a problem, but if you feed her regularily (e.g. autofeeder set to 3 meals a day, normal amount) so that the hungry stat is 200 on average, asking for seconds is bad
Though admittedly the latter case is rarer than asking for sweets

EasyV said:

I believe it's an independent set of values (i.e. more than one)
For example, a good yukkuri can still go "so so" on normal yukkuri food because her tastebuds are spoiled, or a yukkuri that has learned how to use the toilet might refuse to carry the poo poo if there's an accident (it happened to me many versions ago, I don't know if things have changed since then)

I have not tried to feed Yukkuri with fancy food since the first time I gave a Marisa a cake: I saw scum stat increased rapidly when it was eating the cake. So other than increasing their scum stat, fancy food will also spoil yukkuri's taste like in the Simyukkuri? Interesting, definitely going to try this. lol

I have experienced several times that a yukkuri knows to use the toilet but has a high scum stat decided to do poo poo outside after I ignored its request for something. Sadly back then I had not English translation of the game thus I had no idea what its request is and what it said before it doing poo poo this way. Never had issues with good yukkuri though, when I ignored them, they tended to cry then back to normal or sad, no puff, no poo out side.

I can not connect the dots between knowing to use the toilet and willing to carry poo poo though, from my experience these behaviors are based on different stats.

EasyV said:
Asking for sweets is sign of bad behaviour, but admittedly asking for seconds is a grey area
If you don't give the yukkuri enough food, asking for more is not a problem, but if you feed her regularily (e.g. autofeeder set to 3 meals a day, normal amount) so that the hungry stat is 200 on average, asking for seconds is bad
Though admittedly the latter case is rarer than asking for sweets

From what I have experienced in game, I have not met a good yukkuri ask for sweets after eating for now, only scum ones do that. It is really a sign of bad behavior. lol
Both good and scum yukkuri will ask for more food after eating if it's still hungry, with different dialogues and behaviors (Scums will puff, inevitably, as there is no way to give them food before they go puffing), but I haven't met any yukkuri ask for more food (not sweets, merely food) after eating, at least for now. I will continue to test that I guess.

worstluck said:

I have not tried to feed Yukkuri with fancy food since the first time I gave a Marisa a cake: I saw scum stat increased rapidly when it was eating the cake. So other than increasing their scum stat, fancy food will also spoil yukkuri's taste like in the Simyukkuri? Interesting, definitely going to try this. lol

The yukkuri you get when first starting the game always go "so so" on normal food
I don't know what values count as "not scum", but she would still go "so so" even if the stat was below 100
Also if you look at the list of debug labels I tried to translate earlier, you see a "stray tongue refinement adjust" (don't really know how to translate, I took each kanji on its own), which is probably how spoiled the tastebuds of stray yukkuri are, regardless of scumminess, which is another label in the list (and, in fact, if you get the right stray yukkuri you can have her go happiness on the grass)
I think things have changed somewhat since I last bothered with this, because lately I've been getting nothing but 200+ scum stat initial yukkuri, though

worstluck said:

I have experienced several times that a yukkuri knows to use the toilet but has a high scum stat decided to do poo poo outside after I ignored its request for something. Sadly back then I had not English translation of the game thus I had no idea what its request is and what it said before it doing poo poo this way. Never had issues with good yukkuri though, when I ignored them, they tended to cry then back to normal or sad, no puff, no poo out side.

I can not connect the dots between knowing to use the toilet and willing to carry poo poo though, from my experience these behaviors are based on different stats.

It's a different kind of spoil than the food one
Even if the yukkuri can use the toilet (after lots and lots of scolding...), trying to teach her something (even hunting), if she's spoiled she goes "Da noble Macha won'd do such a thing!"

Updated my game to beta 1.19. Found a glitch that if a hat of adult Marisa removed from its head than it won't be displayed on screen. It still exists though, as Marisa will be able to put it back on its head if it can reach that. Still a solid improvement from 1.18 where the adult Marisa's animations are all glitched.

EasyV said:

I think things have changed somewhat since I last bothered with this, because lately I've been getting nothing but 200+ scum stat initial yukkuri, though

After the "Family" concept and Ko-Reimu were introduced, I hardly play with the initial Ko-Marisa any more, since picking a whole family from streets or wild is the only method to get a Ko-Reimu with a family for now.


I've made descriptions of every action in the menu for the manual. Left the food part alone since EasyV did it, but I did mention some things he didn't. I also explained some key concepts that may not be covered explicitly by anything in the menu. I don't have experience with HTML so I just put it in my pastebin.

GNU/Hurdz said:

I've made descriptions of every action in the menu for the manual. Left the food part alone since EasyV did it, but I did mention some things he didn't. I also explained some key concepts that may not be covered explicitly by anything in the menu. I don't have experience with HTML so I just put it in my pastebin.

Most of the food stuff was left out on purpose
There's no fun when someone already tells you that the yukkuri will do pee pee when going happiness (just to name one)
Though there are others that should probably be added, like the only-one rule for the food plate or the hand cookies
Also the gentle/cold words have an effect, but in the long run
Greeting the yukkuri every morning with gentle words greatly raises affection

GNU/Hurdz said:

I've made descriptions of every action in the menu for the manual. Left the food part alone since EasyV did it, but I did mention some things he didn't. I also explained some key concepts that may not be covered explicitly by anything in the menu. I don't have experience with HTML so I just put it in my pastebin.

Nice translation! And EasyV's work is very helpful too!

After reading thoroughly, I really wish I have seen how the marble and leaves work for once... May be I need to get an older version of the game and try that out.

In my game sessions with beta 1.17, a Marisa with a 800+ scum stat always tends to sleep if be confined in the box, and it reduces its stress when it sleeps. A hammer is required to keep it awake and cry normally. lol

EasyV said:

Asking for sweets is sign of bad behaviour, but admittedly asking for seconds is a grey area
If you don't give the yukkuri enough food, asking for more is not a problem, but if you feed her regularily (e.g. autofeeder set to 3 meals a day, normal amount) so that the hungry stat is 200 on average, asking for seconds is bad
Though admittedly the latter case is rarer than asking for sweets

After a few more play test, I found out that asking for second seconds really a grey area like you said, though my Reimu with a 0 scum stat will just leave to do something else after I ignored its demanding for more food, in another session a default Marisa with scum stat at 7 will Puff if I ignored its demanding for more food and after that its scum stat will increase no matter if I decide to scold it or beat it up. The most difference between those two is the affection stat, while Reimu's affection is quite high (Above 120 I believe), The affection of that default Marisa is a solid zero. I may do some more test to see if affection really play some part in this.


EasyV, you know a bit about the decompiled code, right? Maybe we can use the code to find out what exactly happens when scum/intelligence/affection is at certain levels. Or maybe what the stress anti yukkuritis triggers are for different actions?

GNU/Hurdz said:

EasyV, you know a bit about the decompiled code, right? Maybe we can use the code to find out what exactly happens when scum/intelligence/affection is at certain levels. Or maybe what the stress anti yukkuritis triggers are for different actions?

Yes and no
I know the HSP language so I can read it, but I examined the decompiled code only at the first 1000 or so lines, because that's where func_1 was (it's the functions that generates compilation errors)
I can look for that stuff, but it's going to be hard
To begin with, a bunch of stuff in HSP is words which are then expanded into longer commands, but the decompiler doesn't know this so it generates only the expansion
Then, there's the issue that the language itself is not structured, and Ennjii (or YOU or what's the author name) doesn't really make it any better, so actually following the behaviour is very complex
Another issue is that everything affects every other thing, and it's hard to actually pinpoint what we want
In short, it's a huge mess
I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's going to take at least a month of careful reading

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