One Yukkuri Place

marisa & happy_marisa

Posted under Tags

I don't have any strong feeling one way or another.
Maybe wait for other people's opinions first.

Yeah, the problem is, if we accept "happy Marisa" as a tag, we must also do that to others yukkuri, because "happy" is not a physical appearance characteristic like wasa, buri or shell but more like a state of emotion. Meaning if other yukkuris are happy, we must tag them as "happy x", "happy y" like that one.
So, I think we should delete the tag and add "happy" and "Marisa" tags separately.

The thing about Yuukanyan is that she is not just Yuuka with cat ears, but a full fledged character with some canon of her own.
As explained somewhere else, Yuukanyan is to be tagged yuka-chen.
It's probably better to use the "-chen" suffix at this point, and at best add a "animal hybrid" tag.

EasyV said:

The thing about Yuukanyan is that she is not just Yuuka with cat ears, but a full fledged character with some canon of her own.
As explained somewhere else, Yuukanyan is to be tagged yuka-chen.
It's probably better to use the "-chen" suffix at this point, and at best add a "animal hybrid" tag.

Huh, I never knew about the Yuuka-chen canon. Thanks!

In the same vein, should we separate goldfish_reimu from an aquatic_yukkuri reimu?
