One Yukkuri Place

Anko/Story Discussion Thread

Posted under General

My theory about that story is that the current status quo is product of government laziness, like Salem implied, and a wish to satisfy the Ultra Yu-Lovers Groups who probably would be against the complete erradication of stray yukkuris, if anything it was later exploited for economical reasons.

They have to be real desperate to start eating humans though. That old saying, "don't eat me, I taste bad" is right. They still have other yukkuri that's more fitting for their diet and taste compared to human flesh.

Another flaw in his argument is the pet yukkuri. They don't account the new breeding from abandoned pets.
Strays are more or less considered pest. Eradicating them while keeping the more desirable pets could've satisfied most yu-lovers and there will be even less bad-mouthing yukkuri to make their cause more difficult. And this is city strays, not wild yukkuri beyond human's habitat.

Ah so is more his own view and feelings of the whole thing than him being aware and willingly part of the system, right?

That and a lot of booze in the bloodstream while walking home alone in a winter night with another job waiting the next morning

Well, I did say "ultra lovers" for a reason, the most radical ones would still complain about it.

But yeah, the story really have flawed or weak reasons for the strays to not be wiped out. Economically speaking, It would be better to just breed yu's.

Salem said:
They have to be real desperate to start eating humans though. That old saying, "don't eat me, I taste bad" is right. They still have other yukkuri that's more fitting for their diet and taste compared to human flesh.

You mean they aren't desperate already?

You DO realize that things like anti-spill/anti-rodent garbage cans, pesticides and frequently exterminations only make yukkuris more likely to attack humans right?

You're cutting down on their food supply ("I'll eat ANYTHING at this point!"), you're forcing them out of their more obvious hiding spots ("Everyone, lets group up and hide in here!") and visibly making humans a target of hatred ("Scum humans should die!")

If you want a hyper-fast breeding species with the ability to eat (almost) anything, the logical conclusion is they end up eating (almost) EVERYTHING including humans. If you can keep their numbers down enough, yeah you can work things out. But if they breed faster than you can kill them, you're in trouble.

yukiyuzen said:
If yukkuris are willing to cannibalize their own still-living species, how long do you think it will take to figure out that humans are edible as well?

An unknown group of Yukkuri probably already have. All that is needed is an undiscovered corpse and some "curious" yukkuri and you'll have yourself some man-eaters. Hell they probably started their man-eater career digging up graves and such. It's a shame the only reason this is seen at all is because writers/artists don't want human-related guro.

Mind you this depends on if they can physically rip, tear, and chew flesh off a body at all.


They can still eat another yukkuri. If they breed really fast, then it will be a nearly-inexhaustible food supply before they need to attack more risky prey (human).

Mmind you this depends on if they can physically rip, tear, and chew flesh off a body at all.

That would fall into the realm of authors' inconsistency :)

yukiyuzen said:
You mean they aren't desperate already?

You DO realize that things like anti-spill/anti-rodent garbage cans, pesticides and frequently exterminations only make yukkuris more likely to attack humans right?

You're cutting down on their food supply ("I'll eat ANYTHING at this point!"), you're forcing them out of their more obvious hiding spots ("Everyone, lets group up and hide in here!") and visibly making humans a target of hatred ("Scum humans should die!")

If you want a hyper-fast breeding species with the ability to eat (almost) anything, the logical conclusion is they end up eating (almost) EVERYTHING including humans. If you can keep their numbers down enough, yeah you can work things out. But if they breed faster than you can kill them, you're in trouble.

Grimdark semi-apocalyptic yukkuri?


I doubt it would reach semi-apocalyptic levels, after all at the first sign of yu's eating humans, well, "screw lovers the talking manjuus are as tolerable as a xenomorph now, time to wipe them out", and let's face it, unless they get danmaku like in Poweryoga's story, the human vs yukkuri conflict would be one sided in favor of the humans.

Grimdark? You bet, humans dying, any form of love or happiness with yukkuris dying by the act of the very yu's and humans growing paranoid, yukkuris being exterminated for good after their Level Up to Horde of Alien Locusts species (well maybe not "alien" but clearly non natural or native enough considering they are artificial constructs.)

Sorry for double posting but:
Yukkuri Sparta Much? and the saddest thing is that they come out with it themselves, Humans doesn't seem to have really influenced this, as in "it was a human thought and imposed idea and yu's grew to accept it" if anything this was only the yukkuri's solution for survival after finally accepting they can't beat humans into their mistaken yu ways.

Salem said:
They can still eat another yukkuri. If they breed really fast, then it will be a nearly-inexhaustible food supply before they need to attack more risky prey (human).

That would fall into the realm of authors' inconsistency :)

Cannibalizing your own species doesn't work as a food source unless you want to ignore the laws of conservation of mass.

Didn't they already ignore that with their anything ==> paste conversion ability ? And they're shown to be more liberal with act of cannibalizing than human.

JIE: ah, this one ? :D
post #39644
It's tagged Cute and WTF ^-^

That sparta story should have a parallel in human world too.
Well, if human finds out of their culture, maybe we can share the excuses our civilization has thought of for thousands of years about why physical suffering and denying yourself is equal of true happiness.
Human can also help make yukkuri easy in their suffering.


Salem said:
Didn't they already ignore that with their anything ==> paste conversion ability ? And they're shown to be more liberal with act of cannibalizing than human.

Um no. That just means they have really, really good digestive systems.

How did you go from "anything ==> paste conversion ability" to "ignore the laws of conservation of mass"???

Seemingly inconsistent amount of food/poo/size change
Well, ignoring the issue of density

Yuki there is no biological explanation for them eating, for example, meat, and make it "bean paste" or them eating bugs and that transforming into "chocolate" or "curry".

Yu's are really beyond biological and physical laws, which actually gives more power to your statement of them being a potential danger if they start eating humans, since that means that as long as they like it they can eat anything without any real danger, unless it's ultra spicy or ultra bitter. That ability is already a problem ecologically wise because they may eat fruits, vegetables, etc. without returning seeds, only bean paste and sometimes the filling being crapped isn't nutritive enough for the soil.

JusticeItEasy said:
Yuki there is no biological explanation for them eating, for example, meat, and make it "bean paste" or them eating bugs and that transforming into "chocolate" or "curry".

Yu's are really beyond biological and physical laws, which actually gives more power to your statement of them being a potential danger if they start eating humans, since that means that as long as they like it they can eat anything without any real danger, unless it's ultra spicy or ultra bitter. That ability is already a problem ecologically wise because they may eat fruits, vegetables, etc. without returning seeds, only bean paste and sometimes the filling being crapped isn't nutritive enough for the soil.

There was no biological explanation for humans eating bugs, plants and meat and all of it turning into feces until science figured out how the digestive system worked either. Whats your point?

Seriously, you guys cling to the "itsmagicidontgottaexplainshit" explanation way too much when a simple "I don't know" will suffice.

Then it is :D
Not defending any further

As far as it is now, the thing between yukkuri eats and yukkuri shits is a fill the blank game.

Yukiyuzen, again, they are magical constructs, whatever you like it or not "magic *snort snort*" is the explanation.
They are creatures that can't function using natural or biological laws, only magic filling their gaps let them work. They don't even have proper organs, when they eat, the chewed up stuff "magically" becomes filling inside.

You yukiyuzen cling to the obsession of yukkuris having to make sense from a biological point of view, when since early stories a notorious fact of yukkuris is that "they don't make sense" as creatures in the biological sense.

Just, let go of it, they are magical, they aren't biologicaly or naturally functional, without magic they would just be a pastrie and buns, they just can't work without it.

JusticeItEasy said:
You yukiyuzen cling to the obsession of yukkuris having to make sense from a biological point of view, when since early stories a notorious fact of yukkuris is that "they don't make sense" as creatures in the biological sense.

Um no. I recognize that using "magic" to explain aspects of yukkuris is commonly used. But aside from using it as a catch-all "I (the author/writer/artist) don't want bother with the details" explanation, "magic" has been phased out of yukkuris for a while now.

And "early stories"? Really? You're going to pull that? "Early stories" had yukkuris traveling around the world in cardboard boxes with bat wings on the sides of them.

Magic is their origin and their essence, it can't be "phased out", just because the yukkuri stories lack magical characters throwing spells or something, that doesn't mean yukkuris became a biological, mutant or natural being, they remain magical, if anything, using the touhou logic, "they came out from a magical secret den and spread through the world of the magicless muggles.".

And being honest, there is no detailed way to explain a great deal of yukkuri process outside of "the magical energy inside them converts their food into filling to replenish their volume" or "their pouch somehow gathers extra humidity to be peed out" or "their eyes are able to see without any nerve or anything because their magical energies alongside their "belief if seeing" make the gelattine thingies work."

Even detailed explanations would become magical, so it's a waste of time, you can't have a long "biological" discussion about yukkuris without falling into magic biology.

JusticeItEasy said:
And being honest, there is no detailed way to explain a great deal of yukkuri process outside of "the magical energy inside them converts their food into filling to replenish their volume" or "their pouch somehow gathers extra humidity to be peed out" or "their eyes are able to see without any nerve or anything because their magical energies alongside their "belief if seeing" make the gelattine thingies work."

Theres no detailed way to explain how the Nazca drawings were made either. Was that made by "magic" too?

All your arguments basically boil down to "you cannot completely and utterly scientifically explain how and why this fictional construct works biologically in a logical manner, therefore its 'magic.'"

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