One Yukkuri Place


Posted under General

So I've been playing Simyukkuri Japan for the past couple of minutes and guys... I think they've completely blown past us. Like, totally.

Stalk birth. They implimented it while we were still chatting about it.


But everything else seems very impressive.

They do stretch-stretch.

The basic types include Marisa, Reimu, Alice, Patch (IN FUCKING THEORY), Chen and Myon.

There's a day-night cycle.

But no Patchouli.

They have stalks, you guys. STALKS. You can take a yukkuri stalk off and watch them die. I just refreshed a Wasa Reimu with a Marisa, and I can see SHELL MARISAS on that stalk I took off a Shell Marisa's shell and she said "Where is chel?". You can over-refresh them and kill them.

But there's no Patchouli.

As for the rarer yukkuri, it's a community effort. They're obviously drawn by different people. It's a group thing. I can see Aya. Yuyuko, Meiling, Reisin, Tenshi, Sanae, Suwako, Cirno and my dear, darling, sweet Eiki Shiki.

But there's no Patchouli.

Just choosing Marisa at the beginning will give you sometimes a Kotatsu or Shell, just like picking Reimu will give you a Wasa Reimu sometimes.

But no Patchy.

Guys... the Japanese version of this game has nearly every single solitary thing we were talking about doing and more.

They have DIFFUSERS FOR FUCK'S SAKE, we didn't even think of that!

But... it doesn't have my favorite.

It has Eiki.

But no Patchy.


No Patchy.

Patchy's pictures are in there, but I click for Patchy, it gives me Reimu. I don't have my dear little Patchy.

Guys, emergency meeting. We're gonna have to split our tactics here.

We've gotta have the Simyukkuri USA group step up their coding and processes. The artwork is there, go ahead and take a hold of it. Most of it is even good.

And now we've gotta have a Simyukkuri JP team. Their mission is thus:
1) Translate Simyukkuri JP.
2) Find out what's wrong with the coding so that Patchy works again. So that you can get Patchy instead of Reimu from the main screen.

The Japanese have stepped up their game, gentlemen, as they are want to do. We've got to do the exact same.

For now, I'll have to use Simyukkuri US for my Patchy, and Simyukkuri Japan for my Eiki.

But I pray where for a day where the twixt shall meet.

Get to work, boys. Business has just picked up.

(drops the mic)

Updated by RP

(pics up the mic again)

And a Yuuki would be pretty cool too, if you're working on a Suika already.

(drops the mic again)

Literally the only things that theirs has that ours doesnt are
-Stalks (I'll have it done by tomorrow night)
-Lots of yukkuris with bad sprites that aren't compatible in the least with anything, they also have no english dialog.
-Day night cycle, already ported
-diffusers. It's a sprite that just sets a constant, if you want it ill port it, but its kind of meh.
-Stretch-stretch, already ported
-Shell marisa, ill port that one if you really want it, its not too bad.

We dont have a coding team, we have me doing coding and porting, and everyone else generating art assets when they can.

There is literally 0 chance of me and 1% chance of anyone else attempting to translate that thing. The encoding is all wrong so youd have to spend a good few hours just correcting errors to get it to compile. After which, youd have a version that doesnt have the same variable names or types, so porting between the two would be a pain. Youd have one version with lots of yukkuri with no dialog and no features, and one with lots of features and less yukkuri.

I don't know about you, but I don't feel like fixing this for EVERY, SINGLE, CLASS (and this is a relatively intact one)


Yeah not a big deal. As Eternity explained the source is all out there so integrating anything worthwhile they've done into the translated version is rather trivial compared to translating the whole damn thing from scratch.

Not to mention, they seem to have gotten up one day and said screw it, lets just change all the constructors and variables!
So literally everything has to be ported over piecemeal and now most of the object classes are going to have two constructors

Do we REALLY need 20 different threads to talk about this game

Also those sprites clash really badly with the original. I already have issues with current Patchy, those other give the game a very MUGEN-like vibe.

Might aswell add Omega Tom Hanks.

I don't think the Japanese effort is impressive in the least. In concept, they are very good. The execution however is terrible, it's a buggy mess, the stalk babies are floating in mid-air, etc. etc.

The only thing I really like about that effort is the various sizes you can set the game.

You can manually resize ours, we just need a new background image that has the grass ending that it looks. Right

How does the stalk work? Are the babies on the stalk a separate entity entirely, or are they just part of the stalk, and created when they drop? Basically can you interact with individual yus on the stalk

I'd join in on the development if I bothered to learn java. C++, assembly and COBOL is enough work for me though thanks.

I just glanced it over briefly, but im fairly certain they are individual entities who are locked in place.

copycat said:
Do we REALLY need 20 different threads to talk about this game

You know I DID create an all-in-one, all-games Yukkuri thread. It was you guys who kept making more and more and more, don't blame me.

Also, Kotatsu Marisa. I just found out about her, and holy crap, she's adorable. Is that addable, as easily as with Aquatic?

And I've offered to help before, you know what I can bring to the table.

Also, I don't think anybody noticed, but the post was kind of a joke. Trying to have some fun with a forum that only seems to have revived under the construction of this game.

But yeah... fixing Patchy for the JP game, and at least adding Kotatsu Marisa to the US game. That'd be very easy.

WXRunThisTown said:
You know I DID create an all-in-one, all-games Yukkuri thread. It was you guys who kept making more and more and more, don't blame me.

But you still created this one...

copycat said:
But you still created this one...

Yes, and you never scolded any of them. I did, and was ignored. But when none of the mods scolded them or merged the threads, I assumed it was okay.

And the fact that you're scolding me here, and not the other people who created the other threads, makes one think you don't really care about the multiple threads, only about starting an argument.

Take it easy.

WXRunThisTown said:
And the fact that you're scolding me here

when you started a new one... It was the newest thread when I posted, wasn't it?

I don't even want to argue with you on the subject, I just didn't expect you to be so defensive about it.

copycat said:
when you started a new one... It was the newest thread when I posted, wasn't it?

I don't even want to argue with you on the subject, I just didn't expect you to be so defensive about it.

Except you are arguing about it, you did post here instead of any of the other threads, you have singled me out.

I just didn't expect you to be so offensive about it.

I don't have time for your hassle. Shitty slave can eat WX's poo poo.

I can add kotatsu to ours, but like i said, adding ANYTHING to the live door version is not possible without wasting a lot of time

Does it actually add some functionality (like food appearing on the hat when they eat or somesuch) or is it just another Marisa hat?

honestly other stuff would be priority

it does nothing, its just another randomly occurring type. Though it would be possible to have food appear on its head hehe

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