Right... Maricha's not around.If I don't wake up soon...Um...
I'm hungry...Shit's not coming outFreedom's great~!Oh, that's right. Reimyu's not around anymore-je!Reimyu, wake up-je...Yu...
Is it morning-je?I'll see how long princess chatterbox can live-je!I've had enough! Maricha can go die eating her own poop by herself!Maricha's been working herself tried trying to stay alive!Then what can Reimyu do-je!?Always saying "I can, I can", but at the end, still can't do anything. You're just a mister looking-good who always ends in failure...Maricha's always like that...If we don't have a base, we can't hunt-hunt effectively...We can't...Anywhere's fine, let's take a rest...The sun's setting, Maricha...Parting waysI can take it more easy if Reimyu's not around!