Pig Festival
It's a festival involving a clan of Tenshis, they go around like it's Halloween, and the humans abuse them just like they want. Of course, some wild yukkuris, attracted by the food, try to disrupt the festivities, but the people have rented a yukkuri security service (Kimeemaru, Rumia, Remirya, Flan), and the wild yukkuris are captured to be taken to the factory.
There's singing, and the highlight is a battle between a Dosu Tenko and a Dosu Marisa (that came down demanding food from slaves three months ago, and was kept drugged until now), where humans carrying the Dosuyukkuris on shrines keep ramming each other until one side dies (obviously the Marisa did).
The finale is a folk dance around a fire, and because of the TV crew present, security people are quick to chase away the naked woman pretending to be a Ran.
Illustration: post #16161