wasa reimu
A Reimu variant with bushy braids, instead of the normal long ones tied in ribbons. Compared to other rare variants of yukkuri, they seem to be relatively common.
Wasas are often shown to be particularly spoiled and prone to becoming shitheads. In most stories, wasas, because of their spoiled attitude and total lack of awareness, often become responsible for the horrible consequences fell upon their siblings, entire family and in same cases, entire herd. Pretty much all wasas can be considered anger inducing.
In addition to the usual shithead behavior, Wasa-Reimus have some distinctly shitheaded traits. The most prominent trait of a wasa is their self-centered nature. Whereas other shitheads usually at least express some degree of care for their parents and sisters, wasas typically doesn't even care for the wellbeing of their own family. Even if they show concern for their family members, it's usually because they see their family as "people who provide easiness for wasa" and are only concered of their wellbeing for the sake of her own easiness. Consequently wasas are also more prone to killing their siblings over mundane causes (such as fighting over food) compared to other types of shitheads.
Some other traits commonly seen on Wasa-Reimus are:
- Not saying "take it easy!" to their parents after being born.
- Refusing to obey instructions from either their parents or owners.
- Talking with baby slurs even after reaching koyukkuri or adult age. (a result of both low intelligence and spoiled nature)
- Being extremely self-centered and believing that the world revolves around them.
- Massively inflated egos, often referring themselves as "princess" or "idol".
- Refusal to eat anything other than delicious food or sweets, also demanding to be hand-fed rather than eating themselves.
- Demanding attention all the time. (Some wasas are observed dying in minutes if ignored)
- Refusal to obey rules and norms. (shitting and sleeping wherever they please)
- Being annoyingly needy, to the point of refusing to clean up themselves after shitting and demanding "lick-lick" from others.
- EXTREMELY limited intelligence and survival instincts, even by yukkuri standards.
- Mean spirited, often starting fights with other yukkuris if they are ignored or denied something.
- Limited chances of survival due to their own lack of awareness and weak physique. (Possibly related with their fragile egos)
There are very rare cases of a nicehead wasa. Unfortunately similar to alices and raper alices, these nicehead wasa Reimus are often the subject of discrimination and prejudice due to the shithead nature of most wasas.
Because of their different appearance and the perceived belief that they can take it much easier than their "normal" sisters, some reimu mothers usually give special treatment to their wasa children, despite awful behavior shown by the wasa-reimus, which usually results in above consequences. As depicted here: pool #1449
This is not always the case however, as some smart parents who are aware that wasas are basically ticking time bombs take appropriate measures as seen here: post #81760
Another example of a smart herd which gets rid of wasas whenever they appear: post #76352 (please note the reimu in the bottom panel vomits the minute she hears word "wasa".)
Because of their trouble making personalities, most pet shop owners refuse to raise or even let wasas in, not even as cheap predator food. Wasas very, VERY rarely survive long enough reach adulthood, so much that an adult wasa is often considered a rare yukkuri.
For a detailed study of Wasa-reimus' nature, see pool #1978
"Wasa wasa" is the sound of rustling braids, similar to "piko piko", but with a connotation of something very furry or hairy. Since this Reimu has very bush braids, she is called "wasa wasa". Wasa-Reimus often refer to their bushy braids as "wasawasa-san", sometimes translated as "mister bushy-bushy"
This tag implicates bushy_braids and reimu (learn more).