One Yukkuri Place



I sincerely apologize if this is an inappropriate post, but this has had me scratching my head for a while.

This is the favicon for this website, and I can't make heads or tails on what is it's supposed to be. Is it an abstract Reimu or ribbon or something?

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  • vesper said:

    interesting do you remember the name or something to look for it ???

    If you look up "pesticide" + "nightmare fuel", it should pop up. You'll know it when you see it. :P

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  • KusoNingen said:

    Thank you.
    Actually translating the last two pools was easier than I thought because a lot of panels were already done translated.
    Huge thanks to the former translators for saving me from developing anti-yukkuritis by decoding baby yukkuri talk.

    You’re welcome. Any chance you’ll ever translate the Marisa-turns-to-stray-for-babies one (from where this image comes from) or the one with the stray daddy and blind baby?


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  • KusoNingen said:

    It's one of my favorite boshi works too, together with Oneesan and Yukkuri vol.11.
    Observing the dumbass pet yukkuris screwing up themselves in the wild/street is just satisfying.

    Thanks for rising up to the challenge regardless.

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  • Yuno said:

    HK Gun Laws and Stuff

    Geez, why did you bring that up? I doubt his level of flame warring will escalate to something involving a “don’t come to school tomorrow” moment.

    Also, why not just delete the local shitstorm here? It’s just a plain eyesore.

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  • Y’all remember that Chinese artist who used to create all those lovely death-by-pesticide posts? Cause it looks like this fella here took a few notes from him. Lol

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  • Yuno said:

    A fair question and I believe I can answer that. (Etc...)

    Geez, man. I know how you can find and ban IP addresses (I’m familiar with the process as I’m an admin for a few wikis myself), but how did you find all that personal info? That’s pretty damn terrifying.

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