One Yukkuri Place



I think he just forgot to draw it some hair-tubes/braids/whatever the hell those are. His style is based on simplicity and it stands to reason some things like that might get lost in that translation.

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  • HankySpank said:
    Ah yes, one of the more well-known touhous that fell victim to the Great Purge of Touhou 6.


    I think you might have her confused with Shinki or Mima.

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  • platina said:
    I read an anko recently in which it was revealed that to reduce overcrowding in Hell, the souls of sinners were placed in animated manju-buns and sent to the human world to be punished. So abyusers were actually doing Good.</OT>

    Really? That was actually a theory I was thinking about for awhile. It wouldn't happen to involve Shikieiki making that call, would it?

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  • The main points of the story's first half seem to be:

    -Yukkuri are preparing for winter.
    -Dumbass pair(or just one against the other's will) make babies.
    -One of them goes to a human village(possibly to beg).
    -Anon feeds the babies sugar water while they're still on the stalk.
    -Once they're born they vomit up anything they try to eat.

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  • HankySpank said:
    Well you can't expect people to like caricatured versions of their favorite touhous getting their innards stamped- well, I can't say "into a fine paste" for obvious reasons.

    That or the whole yukkuri often being portrayed as icons of sin what with the whole raping, stealing, murdering and general absurdly grandiose pride.

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  • Even the ones that roll around in and are covered in dust, garbage and mold?

    Cockaroaches and rats aren't disgusting and unclean by themselves. It's what they wallow in that makes them dirty. I'd assume it's the same for stray and pest yukkuri.

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  • Explosion said:
    As long as they don't see humans as prey (as meaning there is the qualifier and prerequisite of them, by absolute empirically proven fact, not preying on humans first and foremost before any further action or idea on the matter be made) these would make some awesome pets.

    Ha ha! Fineprint.

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  • yukiyuzen said:
    -senseless aggression-

    The mother was very clearly letting its child suckle paste out of it in the beginning and could have continued to do so until it died and thus sacrifice itself. So whether it had the actual physical capability to split in half or not it still could have chosen to let it's child live over killing and eating it. It clearly did not, therefore it is a shithead.

    Also I'd recommend you to be less malicious when trying to make a point. It really hurts the validity of your arguement if you have to resort to being a snide ass.

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  • It's a "meh" situation for me.

    I mean, the act of kidnapping and eating children is despicable and monsterous, but on the other hand its yukkuri that are getting killed and by their own stupidity at that. So it kind of cancels each other out.

    The only regrettable part is that the cannibals get to enjoy themselves for even a moment.

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  • danogoat said:
    If you were about to be executed would you be mad at the guy to told you to shut up or the ones who voted for your execution

    A Deibu can remember and understand those things?

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  • danogoat said:
    I think Yukari is done for

    That or parsee, that was the one she originally wanted to die anyways.

    Red_Ruin said:
    Why not?

    Read what she says here: "Then kill all of them toooooooo!!!" she at first wanted everyone to die with her. So her choosing to die alone will not happen.

    Unless of course the others threaten to kill her child if she makes someone else die with her.

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  • ParticleMan said:
    That's not what I wanted to say. By "projecting" I meant that the fact that you hate yukkuri suggests to you that Murayu-aki also has to hate them.

    Oh, ok, that's what you meant.

    No, I wasn't really assuming he hated yukkuri because I hate them. I was assuming he hates them because he draws them being graphically maimed and killed in increasingly disturbing ways.

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  • MMaestro said:
    Were you not paying attention to first cutscene of the Nod campaign? Kane used the Tacitus and the Scrin tower captured at the end of C&C3 to create the TCN network that would remove all Tiberium from the planet. Kane/Nod was an anti-hero organization the whole time.

    Except for the fact that's post-westwood, EA-made C&C. In other words its not a real C&C game. Making both 3, 4 and the horrible new red alert nothing but typical dead franchise milking from EA.

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  • Wooow...

    This went from badong (both bad and wrong) to nightmare fuel very quickly.

    I mean, I'm sorry, did these yukkuri try puffing at an old god or something? I can only imagine pissing off an eldritch abomination to be the only way to get these kinds of results.

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  • poweryoga said:
    I laughed. Does that make me a horrible person?

    Considering that there's entire tv shows based around the concept of watching stupid people hurt themselves, I'd say no. It apparently makes you a key demographic.

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