One Yukkuri Place

Anyone got story ideas?

Posted under General

Hello everyone, Mariodante here. My artist (Tom) and myself are trudging along, but sadly I am feeling very brain dead. I work 50 hours a week at a job that involves a lot of critical thinking so my mind feels like poop over the weekdays. So, I had an idea; I'll write plenty of super short stories during the week, and work on long stories over the weekends! So, anyone have any ideas they'd love to see in a short story? Cute things, terrible things, torture methods, sad/funny events? I'll bet some of you have really golden event ideas perfect for short stories!

Updated by YukkurisMustDie

As a debut, you should just do a plain old story (you plan on making abuse and not family friendly, right?). I would like to see another story like Kiriraitaa's True Happiness where an innocent, happy family gets tortured to death.

You could do an anthropological piece about a yukkuri village in a forest somewhere?

A classic gag is yukkuri war machines, so... Strike witches, but with yukkuri instead of little girls without pants?

Hey, those are some pretty cool ideas :D I'll probably start story boarding some ideas tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll come check out this thread before I start and jot down the ideas.

Yeah, I really like every type of story, honestly. I'll make some friendly ones with happy endings, some gruesome ones with innocent yukkuri and kos getting fucked up (tons of tears!), some ones about niceheads and shitheads, some sick factory experiments, some ones involving terrible accidents, etc. Honestly, as long as stories are heavy with emotions, especially easiness and uneasiness, I think it's a good story :D Kiriraita is definitely my favorite artist so I like to read over his works for inspiration (and not copying!)

The ones I tend to gravitate towards in short stories are either nature theme based or city-yukkuri based. For a longer story... the easiest thing to think about is "how would a yukkuri fit in with our society?" Which is how Dosu in the city came about.

That and you can play around with yukkuris in your setting. Whether they poop/pee, how fast they regenerate, how resilient they are, how fast they breed... all the normal good stuff. Even if you do a "scientific" study on yukkuri as a story to warm up I think it'd get you more used to yukkuri "biology".

Try Warekara style gag
They're short and straight to the point. You can even break anywhere in the story because of the weak continuity between strips.

Although I heard of myth about 4koma artist comitting suicide for hitting terrible case of writer's block while the deadline is chasing behind

Salem said:
Although I heard of myth about 4koma artist comitting suicide for hitting terrible case of writer's block while the deadline is chasing behind

Oh god my spirit would be crushed if that happened to Warekara

I feel you pain. Since work happened I've been in a terrible state when I'm all like "I can't wait to write this it's gonna be awesome" and then come home and just want to roll on the carpet like a larva.
W-whyyyyyy Misteeeeerrr........

About ideas I'd suggest you to do something YOU like first!
I'd start with a simple story however.
And make it conclude, since the easy YFT place is full of uneasy countryside bumpkins who don't fork over what they promised.

Anon kun said:
Since work happened I've been in a terrible state when I'm all like "I can't wait to write this it's gonna be awesome" and then come home and just want to roll on the carpet like a larva.
W-whyyyyyy Misteeeeerrr........

Anon kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun


danogoat said:
Try not to go hogwild with ideas. We did that to the relay comic... and that didnt go well

Oh, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the reason why the relay comic ended up the way it did.

Skribulous said:
Oh, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the reason why the relay comic ended up the way it did.

I blame that wretched Patchouli.

Anon kun said:
I feel you pain. Since work happened I've been in a terrible state when I'm all like "I can't wait to write this it's gonna be awesome" and then come home and just want to roll on the carpet like a larva.
W-whyyyyyy Misteeeeerrr........

I hear ya. That and video games... >_>

Haha I know how you guys feel about wanting to write and then not having the energy after work. But yeah, things are going along swimmingly, I'm storyboarding a story about a Marisa/Reimu hybrid who is always considered uneasy by her father Marisa, so she starts trying to stick out via gathering woodland items as accessories. It leads to her death, of course :3. I'm also working on an aquatic Marisa society story. It's mainly a floating town in the Caribbean inhabited by water-type yukkuri. Most stories involving it will consist of families and packs hunting, only to be eaten viciously by sea creatures. I just love their little villages, so I wanted one on water!

Personal preference, don't put human in the story.
If they should die, let it be by nature, other animals or their own stupidity.

The aquatic yukkuri city sounds interesting. Would they develop a relatively advanced community and inventions ?

Salem said:
Personal preference, don't put human in the story.
If they should die, let it be by nature, other animals or their own stupidity.

Unless they are rabid shitheads or scum yu's, then Justice Anon is more than welcome.
As ironic as it may sound, it's actually RARE in yukkuris stories about clans, wildnerness and all that, to have humans dealing with shitheads and helping out a clan or something, if a human pops out in a wilderness story is either to exterminate them all or as some cameo device, never some sort of "big damn hero" that by chance saw the shitheads and scum yu pestering the nice clan.

Oh I absolutely agree. For the most part, I REALLY want to incorporate animals and nature. Accessory Addict girl will eventually get into a fight with a certain bug, and it will rip her to pieces :3. As for the Aquatic Society, I plan on having packs go hunting in the water, and the younger Yukkuri will be quite prone to hurt hurt. I'd just love to see a Mantis Shrimp grab a little Shell Marisa and break through the shell :D. Yeah, the Aquatic Society will have some cool little inventions made of floating things like coconuts and driftwood and rope and such. I'm actually going to draw up the overview of the Village today. I guess I'll upload it as a good preview of the stories that will come from it after my artist, Tom, draws up a beautiful version of it. It will be guest starring a new Yukkuri; Octochouli!

There is a sad lack of bad things happening to dosu. It's a shame because the bigger they are, the more delicious suffering they have inside them, just waited to be coaxed out~! <3

For some reason, I really want to see a bunch of dosu lined up against a wall and shot. I don't know why, but it sounds hilarious in my head. You never see yukkuri being executed in the same manner that humans are: hanged, shot by firing squad, pulled apart by elephants, etc; so that's something you could do that's never been done before.

Edit: Oh, oh, and a yukkuri and a human having a rousing debate about the nature of man. With top hats and monacles and cigars and coffee all around. Always wanted to see that.


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