One Yukkuri Place

suggestion: OUR relay manga (2011)

Posted under General

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You guys may have to wait a bit, just got a call. A friend got in a car accident and I gotta take care of this...

Yeah she's fine. The car isn't in that bad of shape either, she was just really shook up. I'll scan and upload in the next few hours. Sorry for the wait!

Now that I think about it, the "any law will break in order to screw with yukkuri" law kinda just happened to us. Think about it. Frag being blindsided by that final, his friend's accident.


unreleated: Shouldn't this topic be sticked?

Are you still in for this TSM~? Give some kind of response if you do want to work on something. Other than that I'll come up with something in the next 24 hours or so.

Fragtagonal, you're not one to talk. Remember it was you who killed off one of the characters for no real reason.

If there's a nice way to kill off a yukkuri, getting eaten by a deibu would be on the opposite end.

Oh the dad? I thought you were talking about the Marisa/Youmu that just got toasted. Ummm I didn't kill the dad, he was dead when I got there.

You drew the page where Patchouli was eating the dad- post #37290. The father was alive just a few pages before when the Patchouli was sleeping and out of sight. When the Patchouli appeared out from behind the house the father was still alive, which means the father died sometime during when mister was talking to Satori, but Kurutto makes no indication of it, which means you are the artist that made it so.

Are we really arguing about this?
I meant no offense by my comments. You are a very big part of this community, and I enjoy your work.
I didn't know I caused so much distress with my poorly drawn comic...
Sorry if I caused you any discomfort..

There's no trouble or discomfort. You said "Maybe he'll do a normal update that'll be nice..." which implies my updates are not normal while everyone else's, including yours, are, and I simply pointed out the logic gap in your statement by saying that your update was the least normal because it had a character death.

Then we started discussing a matter of fact, whether something did or didn't happen.

When people start saying things like "You are a very big part of this community, and I enjoy your work. " that usually translates to "Uhh, I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'd like to graciously exit with minimal damage to my ego."

Simply put, we're not discussing anything worthwhile so there's no need to continue.

As for the update, you can't seriously expect a normal update after ThatOneGuy's display of awesomeness. This is a challenge! It's a contest of one-upmanship to see who can make the best page without (completely) jumping the shark. I can't back down to that.

SUN said:
You should just post now. I think we're all taking too long to produce a page, myself included. We need to work on getting each part out in a more timely basis, 1 or 2 days tops.

It would be better everyone if you sacrifice some artistic quality and allow the next person to start working on it.

According to the last page, it was posted 2 days ago. That means you should have already posted something. Told you 2 days isn't enough to come up with a decent posting and a good story

For you guys, Kurutto, I think 2 days is enough time, but only if you have no interruptions like school, homework, work, tests, friends getting into car accidents, etc.

For you guys, making a yukkuri is as simple as drawing some lines on paper or digitally. Does it really take you days to draw a single yukkuri? For me it does. I have to model it, texture it, light it, render it, do corrections. Not to mention running into technical limitations and errors with 3D programs. For you guys to make a braid, for example, you just have to jot down a few lines. I have to deal with hair physics and that can be painful and produce bizarre results. Eventually though, once I have a collection of human and yukkuri models I won't need to spend all that time on modeling and texturing and I can spend more time on developing the plot. In my last update I wanted to have much more but I had to cut down my imagination because of time limitation; I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer so I simply posted what I had.

So I would have to disagree with you there. If I was doing this in 2D I'd have the next page within a day. But I'm not putting any pressure on you guys or anything, so there's no need to get defensive. My point is to make the process streamlined so we keep the updates going at a steady rate, with occassional hickups, to keep the plot progressing and keeping people's interest in the project.

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